Chapter 12

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*hai so i decided to write this differently like it's not going to have point of views but it'll be written as if a narrator was telling the you'll understand as i write it*

           Nathan meets Valerie

  now to make the story short, Valerie was friends with Carol, Nathan's wife since they were babies but the first time nathan and Valerie met he just knew something wasn't exactly right with her. It started when Alexander was born . Oh indeed carol was ecstatic because she always wanted a boy, in fact she was so excited she decided to invite Valerie. Of course Nathan didn't agree to the suggestion but he would do anything to make his wife happy. Sadly he should've listened to he instincts.

         Valerie came over that night to meet alexander and when she held him even carol knew something was off with her, like valerie had a strange affection for alex and when nathan or nat tried taking his son back something flashed in valerie's eyes and she left carol and nathan decided to sleep with alex that night.

    Now for a few days Valerie was not seen or heard from but when nat came home from work he found his wife dead and his child missing. Of course he called the police but they came up with nothing but nat knew , he knew who had done this treacherous deed, then there was nothing he could do because Valerie went m.i.a for years until on alex's twelfth birthday nathan saw the young boy walking to school. He wanted to approach him, he waned to see how much his son had grown but for some reason his feet would not move and his voice didn't dare to call out his name, all he could do was to stare at his son with pain filled eyes because alex would never know.

   Now you're probably wondering why Valerie took alex for her own...well of course you are. Well beside the fact that she is a bloodthirsty bitch, she also had troubles conceiving a child, i know its no excuse for what she did but she has a reason.

     *4 years later*

  When alex was 16 that's when nathan found out he was not only gay but he had a boyfriend named tristan. How did he find such things out you might ask. It's quite simple, nathan met tristan while he was spying on alex. Tristan found him one day and walked up to him with a bright smile on his face . They became close until the accident. It was nice to confide into to someone instead of hiding all the time so when nathan found out about Tristan he just couldn't function anymore, dealing with his wife's death then tristan's it really got to him so he ran. If only he knew how worse things would've been.

~I seriously have trouble making these chapters longer than a page and i'm sorry about that but then again i have a short attention span...hmm well that's it toodles~

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