Chapter 11

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       Oh just an FYI this is dedicated to xLady_Venusx cause of the votes and making me update lol so thanks and it's much appreciated


  I woke up to the sun shining in my face and sapphire sleeping with his back to me. I strethed and sat up, man i can't believe I've been here for a week. i hope damien is alright....his birthday is coming up soon, him and tristan will be 19. I sighed thinking about tristan, it seemed so long ago when me and him were laughing and watching movies in my room.

     "hey sapphire? " "mmm." "I got to go you gone be okay?" he opened his eyes and stared at me. "Sure see ya later." I put on my shoes and walked downstairs, out the door closing it behind me.  I got in my car and drove back to my house where it was oddly quiet so i got out my car, locked the doors and walked up to the front door. I turned the knob and found it unlocked. "odd..." i whispered to myself and walked in to find the lights off. "Mom, dad i'm home!" no answer..When i dialed damien it rung and rung but he didn't soon as i put my phone back in my pocket, there was a sting coming from the back of my head before i blacked out.

      < Unknown P.O.V>

    I picked his body up and carried him to my truck throwing him into the front seat and drove to the cabin. when i got there I turned off the car and picked up his body once more, throwing him over my shoulder and knocked on the door until Valerie opened it. "Val I'm too old for this." i sighed. Then she slapped me and my head snapped to the side. "Don't complain nathan. i don't want to hear it now come in here and put alex on the couch." i did as she asked and gently placed him on the couch, then turned around and walked back to the door. "Your money is in the truck." was valerie's last words before slamming the door shut behind me. i got in the truck and found the money in the passenger seat, placed in a black book bag. "Be careful....son" i said softly before putting the key into the ignition and driving off.


   I heard talking coming from upstairs which took me out of my sleep. of course i was curious so i began to walk up the stairs until two arms snaked around my waist pulled me back. i struggled in their grip but it only tightened. "Let me go." i whispered harshly. "I wouldn't go up there if i were you.You know curiosity killed the cat." the voice that whispered in my ear had me frozen in place and my heart dropped to my feet. my mouth became suddenly dry. "T....tristan?" my voice croaked as i whispered the name of my dead brother. Turning around there he was standing in front of me....there stood tristan in the flash. unless I'm just imagining things and i have officially gone crazy. Tristan smiled. "No I'm not a ghost." I ran into his arms holding him close to me as if he would fade away. tears came down my face like miniature waterfalls. My brother was here. ...he was alive and i felt complete again....i felt whole. "They have alex....." His chin was resing on my head as he drew circles on my back with the tip of his fingers. "I know...but he'll be fine." "You promise?" "promise." I grew calm at my brother's words and stayed in his arms relishing in the thought that he was with me again..

   ~Looks like i finally got to update this chapter hehe yayyyyyyyyyyyy lol anyway did you guys figure out who nathan is??? cause if you didn't the answer will be in the next chapter and if you did....then you'll still find the answer in chapter 12....errrm well that's it. Read and comment or vote that's cool too. until next time this is maggie signing out ;3

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