The Blind Hunter

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The Blind Hunter surveyed the place with caution. It was growing brighter. The clouds cleared, giving way to the moonlight. He trailed the golden scent, coming to a house, one made of wood. It was just like any other houses that stood around it, but there was a window on the second floor, and it was opened, its drape fluttering in the winter's wind as if waving at the Blind Hunter. He gulped, not once but twice. It was where the scent came from. It made his chest tighten, and the Blind Hunter dreaded a confrontation with humans. He glided towards the window, peeking inside, to behold what was giving the golden scent.

It was a young human. Female. Auburn hair and pale skin. She was sleeping in her mattress, with a softness in her that made the Blind Hunter tremble with unease. He could catch the golden scent. It came from her veins, her red nectar flowing inside her in rivers of pink and red. The scent came flooding into the Blind Hunter's nostrils. He stiffened, and by then hunger had claimed him, arousal rushing into his chest as he thought of drinking from this creature. It's a human! A part of him screamed. Flee! It's a human! Yet, the Blind Hunter found himself crawling towards the young human. The golden scent roared, overshadowing the screams inside him. It was sweeter than a deer's red nectar, and gluttony had taken hold of him.

Come to me... the golden scent seemed to whisper. Come, and taste me... Then the Blind Hunter was already facing the young human. She was breathing quietly, her chest moving up and down, her eyes shut; she was spitting mumble from time to time, as if in a dream where she was gulping down a banquet. Now, the Blind Hunter could see the source of the golden scent clearly - on her smooth, soft skin. Come to me... Through the human's vein, red nectar was pumping through in streams.

Humans are dangerous! The voice echoed inside the Blind Hunter. Humans are dangerous! They're going to kill you if they...!

Yet suddenly the Blind Hunter found that he was leaning forward. He crept onto the human's mattress, drew closer to her, his chest bellowing in excitement. And sank his fangs into her neck. At the next moment, red nectar came rushing into his mouth. It danced between his teeth, flowing down his throat, and warming his stomach. For the first time in moon cycles, the Blind Hunter finally came to face with the breed of twisted ecstasy that he'd once felt back in the days of drinking from veins.

A scream shattered the silence, and then the human had snapped awake.

The human pushed herself up and thrashed her hands at the Blind Hunter. She made a screech, a sound that pierced through his sharp ears painfully. Her palms forced their strength onto the Blind Hunter as she struggled to push the Blind Hunter off her, drawing blood as the nails scratched across his fur. Yet he couldn't let go. His fangs remained transfixed at her smooth skin, drinking red nectar, his mind blurred in the ecstasy of the relish.

"What's going on, sweetie?" a human's voice called out, and then screamed.

A grown human had banged into the room. He yelled at the instant he saw what was at the young human's throat. Then he hurled himself forward, and grabbed at the Blind Hunter with his thick dark hand, his fingers squeezing onto the Blind Hunter's limp body, breaking a rib and squashing his innards. The Blind Hunter gave a grunt of agony. After that, the grown human pulled the Blind Hunter away from the young one and flung him across the room. The wall rushed to meet the Blind Hunter. By then, he was falling, bleeding inside, and pained from his almost crushed body.

"Are you alright, sweetie?" the grown human asked desperately.

The young one only replied with sobbing.

The Blind Hunter tried to prop himself up, but then his ribs screeched in agony. A wry grimace found him. He was panting, his lungs struggling for air and his inside pricking with pain. Yet, he could no longer feel: the only thing he could sense was the relish of red nectar that lingered in his mouth. He thirsted for more. He hungered, and he wanted to feel the ecstasy again. He stared at the sobbing young human, crawling forward on his shaking legs longing for another taste of her red nectar. Red nectar... I want more... I want more... I want... I want...

There was another scream from the young human.

When the grown human's feet descended to trample onto his skull, the Blind Hunter's sensation was fading away, only replaced by the golden scent and the faint taste of red nectar that remained on his tongue.

I want more... I want... I... want... I... I...

That was the Blind Hunter's last words at the instant he saw his own brains sent splattering. I... Afterward, it was darkness and silence that took hold of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2014 ⏰

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