Pancake Kung Fu

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"That was a little weird." Naruto muttered before shrugging it off and heading home ...



Naruto's eyes fluttered open at the delicious aromas and sounds of movement from his kitchen. In a sleepy daze he unraveled himself from the sheets of his bed and slowly stood up.

As he took a second to yawn before he opened the bedroom door. In a semi sleepy state he went to the kitchen not caring about the fact that he was only wearing baggy dark red pajama pants hanging loosely from his hips. Broad strong shoulders, chiseled chest and sexy rock hard abs rippled under tanned skin as the blonde went into the kitchen. Naruto only ever had one visitor who would stay long enough to cook and that was Iruka. Even though it is a rare occurrence it still happens every now and then so the blonde didn't expect anyone else in his home. Not that it's surprising because he was kicked out of two apartments this year alone so his address kept changing. No one has asked where he lived besides Iruka and Tsunade.

Believe it or not most of his friends didn't know where he lived and if they did they never bothered to visit. A bit depressing really. One benefit of constant address changes, however, is that civilians don't bother running into different places to mess with his home anymore. It's too confusing. Although that could be because they just sit back and hope he'll die on a mission or something like that. Though, some still try to mess with him, but now he finally bought a home and under a different name so no one he doesn't trust can find him.

Humming from the person behind the counter caught the blonde's attention. Iruka didn't hum. Naruto still didn't think much of it as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and savored the smells of bacon, eggs and pancakes ... strange ... Iruka never cooked so much nor did it smell so good before, though, he would never say that to Iruka.

A pair of tired blue eyes cracked open and looked at figure through blurred vision as the blonde's eyes adjusted to the light. The raven hummed happily with his back turned to Naruto as he flipped a pancake in the air and swung his hips slightly in time with his humming.

Blue eyes slowly adjusted showing the person more clearly. Black hair pulled back in a low ponytail ... slender frame ... fair skin ... pink apron covering blue jeans and white dress shirt

Ok ... not Iruka.

Finally, this person turned and smiled, "Hi, Naruto! Breakfast is almost done-" The person blushed as he noticed the blonde's muscled chest.

Naruto's eyes flew open, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE, ITACHI?!"


An hour later Naruto, who was still in pajamas and now covered in bits of food, and Itachi, who was blushing as he looked at the blonde, stood in front of the hokage's desk- ... well, technically it was just the hokage and her chair since she had no desk.

"So ... Itachi was a spy in the Akatsuki, but he gave up that mission yesterday and killed all of them while I was on my mission." Naruto hissed through gritted teeth as he watched Tsunade yawn.

"Yep ..." Tsunade yawned again making a tick mark on Naruto's temple pulse in irritation, "I told you that, brat."

"No you did not. You healed me, yelled at me for being late and threw your desk at me." Itachi sweat dropped as Naruto pointed to the gaping hole in the wall revealing why there was no desk. "That was the extent of our conversation, Granny."

Tsunade twitched at the sound of her nickname, "Well you would've heard the announcement if you were on time so it serves you right for being late, brat!" She wacked him on the head making Naruto yelp in pain, "Now get out, both of you!"

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