"I'm going to go talk to Karina while Lisa is asleep. Maybe she can look for the contract," Jennie whispered to the group. They nodded and told her they would look out for Lisa and make sure to give them privacy.

Jennie walked into Lisa's office and knocked on the door, startling Karina as she logged figures into the computer.

"Something you need Jen? Need me to get Lisa?" Karina said as she stood up.

"No, no. Actually I need to talk to you and if you could keep our conversation from Lisa, I'd be really grateful. I'll explain why and hopefully you can decide whether or not to help me," Jennie said, closing the office door behind her.

"O-okay," Karina said hesitantly confused. She lowered herself back down and leaned back in the office chair giving her attention to Jennie; as she sat on the chair in front of her desk.

"Okay, this is going to take awhile. It all started the day Lisa's parents died..." Jennie trailed off.

She told Karina about Taehyung and the deal Lisa made. Throughout everything that Jennie told her, Karina's face became stony and then angry. When Jennie finished. She breathed in a shaky breath and exhaled deeply.

"I'm gonna kill him.." Karina spat furious.

"Get in line," Jennie said, smiling sadly.

"It all makes sense now. Everything.. Me and Lisa are close, but I always knew there was something she was holding back.God, now I feel horrible for always nagging her to go home or seeing you girls. She literally couldn't," Karina exclaimed enraged.

"We want to help her Karina and we need you help to do that," Jennie told her.

Karina perked up and said, "Anything. Whatever you need."

Jennie smiled and said, "We need the non disclosure he forced her to sign, so we can track down who his lawyers are. We think it might be in her safe."

Karina slumped worried and said, "I actually don't know the combination."

Jennie's heart clutched and she asked, "Do you have any idea what it could be?"

Karina sat back and was in deep thought for a few moments.

"I once asked her why she wouldn't tell me, and she said it contained her whole life, and that she wouldn't be able to sleep at night if anyone knew the combination. She said the combination was the day she found a pure love. Unrequited love is almost the purest love out there she said. She thought it was beautiful to love someone unconditionally even though it would never be returned. A tragic love," Karina remembered sadly.

Jennie ran through Karina's words in her mind, and suddenly remembered everything CL told her. Unrequited love... She repeated in her mind. No, not after all these years. But it was worth a shot.

"W-where is the safe?" Jennie asked softly.

Karina looked at her confused and got up, walking over to a picture that Jennie just noticed. It was a painting of a puppy and a kitten. She blinked her eyes and said, "That is a weird painting."

Karina looked at it and scowled, "I still can't figure out what it is," she said.

Jennie glanced at her confused and said, "What do you mean? It's a kitten on top of a puppy."

Karina froze and stared at her, "You can see it?!" she exclaimed.

"Uh yeah, can't you?" Jennie said flustered at the way Karina was staring at her.

Karina shook her head, "It's one of those stupid painting that you have to stare at to see the picture. Some people see different things, I've never been able to see anything. I even asked Lalisa, but she just smiled and said, if I can't see it, then I'm not meant to," Karina said annoyed.

After All These Years (Jenlisa & Chaesoo)Where stories live. Discover now