Chapter 1 Hunger Games, Family Edition.

Comenzar desde el principio

   "Hey, David....." Max said as he started on his next big scheme. "Why don't I teach you all about what family camp has to offer." He slipped that camp into the schedule to replace some shit about an obstacle course.

   "Really Max?" David said as innocently as ever. He should know Max's con artist voice anywhere, that kid used it on him more than once.

   "Of course David, I know all about family camp. I could teach you everything there is to know." David looked at Max like he'd somehow managed to shit gold at that moment. Max was sort of okay with David looking proud at him because of his plan.

   Max's plan was to put the idea of being a father in David's head. If he could make the whole day fun for David and associate nothing but good feelings about being a father in David's head, he could soften him up to the idea of adopting Max later.

   Max kept David oblivious to his home life because he didn't like anyone butting in. Not only that, but David was so nice and sweet, he figured that if he could hit David with a savior complex, when he asked if he would adopt him on top of it, David wouldn't dare say no. He had to be careful though. He had only one chance to play that card, and he had to make sure David was practically fawning over him before playing it.

   "So you're finally participating in camp activities just because you love....."

   "Double desert tonight!" Max interrupted him. He figured he could trick David into thinking he loved camp activities later. David sighed when he realized the catch.

   "Fine, whatever," David said. He looked back at the other campers. "Guess what camp Campbell campers, we're gonna be doing family camp for today." Max looked around at the group, specifically Gwen, and decided it would be a good idea to cut down the number of people in the group to prevent David from being overwhelmed. He wanted David to welcome the idea of being a father, and all the sappy shit that came with it, and ten children would only overwhelm him.

   "Hey, Davey," Max said as he waved him down to his height. "You should have everyone who doesn't want to participate watch a family movie instead if they don't wanna participate it'll just ruin it for everyone else."

   "Nonsense max, why not spread the joy of family to everyone!" David said with a smile.

   "God, fucking, damn it," Max said as he crossed his arms. It wasn't what he was planning, but he figured if he could maneuver it correctly, maybe he could still get this done. He needed to get Gwen out of his way first. If David split the campers into two groups then there's a chance he'd be stuck with Gwen.

   "You know I just took my pills right?" Gwen asked David.

   "Come on Gwen, you can't just sit out this time, where doing family camp!" He said cheerfully.

   "Hey, David!" Max said in his con-artist voice. He decided he should really work on that change of voice if he was going to keep tricking David. David was an idiot, but he was gonna catch on eventually, hopefully. He couldn't be that stupid, could he? "This is really only supposed to be between boys, you should have Gwen take all the female campers."

   "Really, okay Gwen, I guess that means you get Nerris, Erid, and Nikki." David beamed happily.

   "Fantastic...," Gwen said in a defeated voice. Max considered pressing his advantage. He could eliminate other flight risks if he could just sell it cleverly enough. He glanced over at Nurf and knew immediately that getting rid of him would be a challenge. If his plan was going to go off without a hitch, he'd need all the children around David to be completely angelic.

   "You should take Nerf and....." He considered his other options, Harrison scared the fuck out him since the....incident.....but he wasn't that big of a flight risk. Preston, however, was too angsty. "......and Preston to even out the groups. Nerfs main family is his mom, and Preston's grandmother was a woman too, so it makes sense."

Adopt me, you son of a b*tch! (Dadvid)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora