Now...who knows about Raiding?

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Y/N: What?

Kirito: *Leans over a table and smiles.* Who here knows about raiding?

Klein: Two things Kiri-bro first I don't know what raiding is, second...what is the psychopath doing here!? *Klein says pointing at Y/N.*

Y/N: Hey! I'm not a psychopath! *Summons Phantom and Control to his side and Y/N fist bumps both of them.* I'm a high functioning psychopath.

Silica: *Hides behind Kirito.* He's scary...

Sinon: Y/N! Your scaring Silica! 

Y/N: Okay, okay... *Grabs the sides of his mouth and pulls as his eyes turn white and he screams at Silica. Silica sees the face once...and passes out.*

Phantom and Pyro: HAHAHAHAHA!

Alice: Oni-Chan...your mean...

Y/N: You know your calling me Demon-Chan right? Not brother?

Alice: ...Yes....

Y/N: Well great. Okay Kirito, I'm interested. So what dungeon are we raiding?

Kirito: *Pats Silica's head who wakes up along with Lisbeth's help.* Well I thought you could help us with that. Being able to access dungeons before anyone else, it can come in handy.

Y/N: Huh...never thought the black swordsman would say that.

Kirito: How do you know my nickname during the SAO Incident? *Kirito eyes look suspiciously at Y/N who chuckles.*

Y/N: Duh! Cause I was in the SAO Incident! 

Kirito and his friends: Huh?

Pyro and Alice: So were we!

Kirito and his friends: WHAT!?

Y/N's scythe glows blue as Sachi appears clinging to Y/N's back: I-I was too...

Kirito: Yeah! That I do know!

Y/N: Hmm a dungeon? Let me check. Command control: Dungeon Hack. *Y/N extends his hand outward as a long list of names of dungeons appear and Y/N starts to scroll with Sachi looking at the list in awe as well as everyone else.

Y/N: Hmm? How about the Shadow God dungeon? Guaranteed Legend Tier loot.

Kirito: Guaranteed? How do you know-? *Y/N turned the list so Kirito could see and when he does, he examines the list closely. His eyes stop on the boss as he smiles nervously.* Y-Yeah! Looks great! When can we go?

Y/N: Soon. But I gotta go get something. Sinon, go ahead and tell them what to expect since we've already gone to the dungeon. 

Sinon: Okay? Where are you going?

Y/N: Don't worry. Just got to get some potions. *Y/N says as he kisses Sinon's forehead making her blush. Then making his wings appear, Sachi turns back into her scythe form and Y/N walks out of the room closing the door behind him.*

Kirito: *Sees Y/N leave and his eyes darken as he whispers to something on his shoulder and then returns to normal as Sinon begins to explain everything.*

~At a shop in Aincrad~

Merchant: A perfect choice sir! I'll bet she'll love it! *The woman puts the object in Y/N's hand who nods with a blush.*

Y/N: I-I hope she likes it too. Besides, its in the game not in real life right? I'm sure that it won't be...bad right?

Merchant: I'm sorry sir, I don't understand? *The woman says as her hand glitches and she smiles.*

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