
"What is Deku to you?" Katsuki asked, in a serious tone.

"He's my student." replied All Might. "Just like you. A future hero with bright prospects."

Then, Mitsuki's voice sounded from inside the house:

"Katsuki! The police said not to go outside!"

"I see." said Bakugo, turning around to go back inside. "If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. Thanks."

"KATSUKI!" yelled Mitsuki, once more.

"I know!" the boy barked back.


Move-in day was on a Friday, so that the students could have the weekend to settle in.

Principal Nezu was speaking to Aizawa in front of the new dorm buildings, when the sounds of laughter and chatter began to sound from the street.

"Ugh, what's that horrible sound?" asked Principal Nezu.

"Children." muttered Aizawa.

"Well, that's my queue." the principal turned and walked away, leaving Eraser Head to deal with the students by himself.

When class 1-A arrived at the front of their new home, Aizawa was waiting for them.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. For now, I'm just glad we were able to bring Class 1-A back together again." he said.

"Everyone was allowed to move to the dorms, huh?" said Sero, smiling.

"Well, it was a pain to convince my parents, but I'm glad everyone made it." said Jiro.

"Now, I'll explain briefly about the dorms, but first-- For now, we will focus on getting the provisional licenses we were planning to have you get during training camp." continued the teacher.

"Oh yeah, they did talk about that." said Sato, pensively.

"So much happened that I kind of forgot about it." admitted Ashido.

"This is important. Listen up." said Aizawa. "Kirishima, Himura, Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida. These five went to go save Bakugo that night."

The entire glass froze, and the tension could have been cut with a knife.

"Your reactions tell me that you were all at least aware of it." Aizawa frowned. "I'm going to set aside a number of issues to say this: if it weren't for All Might's retirement, I would expelled everyone except Bakugo, Jiro and Hagakure."

Shiori inhaled sharply, feeling guilt wash over her.

"Of course the five that went, but also everyone who knew but didn't stop them, betrayed our trust, no matter the reason. I would be grateful if you could follow the proper procedures and act properly in order to regain that trust. That is all. Now we're going inside."

The teacher walked into the dorms, leaving every one outside looking bummed out.

Bakugo looked over at Shiori, who had her head down. She looked sad and ashamed, and he hated seeing her that way.

Suddenly, he grabbed the back of Kaminari's shirt and began dragging him away. "Come here." he said.

"Huh? What? No!" complained the boy, trying to get out of his grasp.

Bakugo took him around the corner, and a few seconds later a massive flash of lighting went off.

Kaminari emerged looking like an over-boiled egg, just like he did every time he over-used his Quirk and his brain had a short-circuit.

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