Part five

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Kirishima's POV

Bakugou has been avoiding me for the past few days and has been coughing a lot. I'm really worried about him. He hasn't smiled and he is locking himself in his room. He looks like he has barely slept. He left before truth or dare probably because he would be asked who he likes and I know he would leave if someone asked that question anyway.

Now that I think about it he hasn't even been yelling at people he has just been really closed off from everyone. Even me, and I'm his friend. It seems like he is trying to act as though everything is okay but I can tell it isn't. I want to help him.

Even though we are living in dorms it could be something happening at home that is making him separate from everyone. I got up and left the game of truth or dare and followed Bakugou to his dorm room. When I got there he was already inside with the door shut. I was about to knock until I heard violent coughing and crying. What ever it was that was going on, it was hurting him, and I can't do anything to help.

I finally knock. I hear stuff moving around and a few last coughs and Bakugou opened the door. His eyes and his nose were all red from crying. He tried to shut the door on my but I opened it back up and pulled him into a tight hug. As soon as I hugged him he pulled away slammed the door and I could hear a lot of coughing again. I open the door back up and catch him off guard. I can tell because he was on the floor and there was crimson petals in front of him.

"GET OUT!" He yelled at me. I left just like he asked and ran straight to my room to find out what was wrong. I opened up my computer to search why someone would cough up flower petals.

Hanahaki disease


That was all I could think of. Who could Bakugou be in love with he doesn't like any one. My heart hurt because I knew it wouldn't be me that Bakugou was in love with. Even though I loved him. ( but clearly not enough to have the disease.)

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