|The smooch|

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"...I...I b-broke my p-promise."

My hand was firmly gripping his wrist. He turned around with his eyes wide open. His mouth was hanging down, as he tried to form some sentences. I let go of his wrist.

"What....what d-did you just s-say?" He stuttered.

Just then I realized what I have done. I soon mimicked the same expression he had on his face as I slapped my hand over my mouth in shock. Did I just talk?!
I was having a mini break down but I decided to continue.

"I-i prom-mised my-myself to stop l-loving you b-but I-I-it never w-work-worked." My voice cracked several times and my throat was getting dry, very quickly, but I decided to continue.

"I t-tried, a-an-and f-fai-failed."

We both sat down on the bench. He stared into my eyes for a couple of minutes as he listened to my voice. After I finished talking, a small smile formed on his lips, a chuckle following right after.

"You know what's funny?"
I didn't understand what he was talking about.

"I was always daydreaming about how your voice would sound if you started speaking again. I always wondered... and it's more beautiful than I ever imagined."

A blush creeped up my face. Jungkook of course noticed. He cupped my burning cheeks.

"Can I kiss you?"


He closed his eyes as he leaned in. Me doing the same. Our noses brushed against each other and then I felt it. Jeon fracking Jungkook was kissing me! I instantly put my arms around his neck. The kiss went about for a minute. We pulled away from each other as we smiled brightly. I touched my lips as I recalled the moment that happened two seconds ago.

"Well, today I'm being brave. Kim y/n do you wanna be my Girlfriend?"

I nodded as his face lit up once more. He pulled me into a big hug.

"You truly make me the happiest man alive." He whispered into my neck. That made me grin. We stood like that for a couple of minutes. It was soon getting dark.

"Let me bring you home." He said. And like that we walked hand in hand to my apartment.

That was BY FAR the most EMBARRASSING thing I will ever write in this book. I'm sorry it took so long. I had a writing block but now I'm back :)

I hope it wasn't too Cringy.


Author-nim JIMOUT!

Author-nim JIMOUT!

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