A F e e l i n g

199 20 11

"Be someone who you needed when you were young." (A listener)

I am, in a mood so rare, that I can't miss this chance. This feeling will disappear just as swiftly as it appeared. Therefore, here I sit in my own chair, with my feet up in another. My heart is ever so cloudy, and I'm using a laptop I am told not to touch. 

For whoever, taking their time to read this - 

Thank you. 

I'm not done yet, however, unfortunately for my dear readers. What is it like to cling onto a feeling you can't let go? It's called an addiction, in my opinion. Addicted to a feeling, is like being addicted to aromatic air. Sounds odd, but it is what it is. 

You cling onto it without ropes, without hands, but you cling onto it by a source. I would be a colossal liar, if I said my source was a book. Quarterly yes, but wholly it is people. People, by chance or by a dream, are my distractions. I do use the word a lot, but distractions are what keeps you going with the bad days and burning skies. I prefer stormy weather, hence why "burning skies."

Once, this bad habit grew with onliners. But now the peril has inched closer, I've started telling people in real life about myself. Nevertheless, this issue seems negligible. I'm only scared, and the cling-iness, has been slightly overbearing in my own favor.

There's this aid called "Dear Thelma" in which Thelma a lady who receives emails from people and chooses one which is relevant and prints it along with nation-wide newspaper. I feel like I'm writing this for thelma, and everything suddenly seems petty. 

Though the feeling which I felt moments ago, seems to have walked away from me. I will write back, dear readers, with more poems when I've got the chance, or the dream to. 



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