"No." The male said to himself, bringing his hands down to his side. He couldn't do it. Sure, he could use his imagination and paint the sky in a manner that would express its vibrant beauty. But no. That was not the purpose of this painting. The whole purpose was to bring out the beauty of their safe haven, in the way that his eyes saw it. Not the way he imagined it.

Lost in thought, the male walked out of the room. Not bothering the close the bottles of paint or wipe off the paint from his fingertips. He walked up the stairs to his studio apartment, and past the couch where Taehyung lay fast asleep. He walked into his bedroom and towards a corner where there lay a window. Opening the small window that connected the inside of his house to the outside, the male stepped out. Pulling himself up, he managed to make his way to the rooftop.

He flopped down onto the hard surface of the roof, allowing the curves to dig into his back. Arms and legs spread out, the male took in a breath and tried to relax himself. He had no idea what he was doing.

Jungkook had to get the work done as soon as possible. They needed the money after all. It'd taken him three years to get the painting to where it was now but he couldn't lay the finishing touches on the sky. The male groaned in frustration as he huffed out a sigh, fixing his eyes on the stars that lay overhead.

With winter approaching, the Orion belt came into view. That being the only constellation he'd bothered learning when Namjoon had tried to teach him.

Laying there, in the quiet of the night, the male found himself slowly beginning to relax. His breathe took a steady pace, as his eyelids slowly grew heavy. A yawn escaped his lips and the man began to realise what this meant, but feeling too tired he didn't bother getting up. Just as his system began to shut down, a face popped up in front of him.

"What'cha doing here?"

The male jumped from the sudden appearance, all signs of sleep fleeing him.

"Holy shit! Tae!" He scolded, sitting up from his prior position.

"I don't know if I like the idea of being referred to as turd but... As long as it's holy." Taehyung said, simply shrugging as if what he said even held any meaning at all.

"What?" Jungkook questioned, visibly confused by what the male had just said.

"Why're you up here?" The male asked, totally disregarding the younger's question in preference to his own.

"Just... Thinking."

"You sure? Cause I swear you looked like you were about to fall asleep." Taehyung stated, as he took a seat besides the male.

"What are you doing here?" The male asked, not too keen on having his privacy interrupted. "Aren't you supposed to be asleep or something?"

"I could ask you the same question."

A wave of silence spread through the two, neither of them taking mind to it. Rather, they settled for the peace and quiet; basking in the radiance of the night's silence. Jungkook drew a breathe that was almost a sigh, forcing its way out despite the little effort put in to suppress it.

"Something on your mind?" Tae asked, inching closer towards the male.

"It's- it's nothing." The male responded, bringing his hand up to rest his chin on. It was only then, that Tae had taken to notice the bits of blue that covered his fingers.

"Why the hell are your fingers blue?"

"I paint." The male said, sitting up straight and flexing his fingers a bit. Taehyung questioned the logic behind his reply, not really seeing how it answered his question. But taking into note that the younger may not have wanted to talk about it, he decided not to push on too hard.

"By 'paint' you mean finger-painting?" He asked in a manner that mocked the other's age, chuckling softly to himself.


With that Jungkook stood to his feet, having felt that the conversation needed to be brought to a stop right then. Turning around, he looked at the older male who stared at him confused.

"I'm heading in. If you want to sleep under a roof then you better come in too. Else I'm locking you out."

With a playful scoff and a shake of his head, Taehyung stood to his feet and followed the male in. All the while threatening to push him off the roof.

"Night, Kook." The male said, exiting his bedroom and heading over to the couch.

"Good night, Tae." He said, before closing the door and heading over to his bed. Dipping into the warm comforts of his sheets. He didn't bother to change out of the jumpsuit, the smell of paint somehow lulling him.

As he lay there trying to drift off to sleep, a sudden though struck him. Maybe he'd go visit their safe haven. He did after all need to take in a view of the sky.

So with that thought, the male shifted in his bed. Slowly finding himself drifting off to sleep.


And there you have it! The sixth chapter! Hope it was okay.

Also, I did a re-read the previous chapters and noticed a lot of holes and grammatical errors, so there may have been some changes made to the characters ages and other minor details as well. (To those who've already read the book before this part came out.)

Until the next chapter then!

Author T


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