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Chapter six:
blue fingers and night skies
*:.. o ..:*

"Okay." Jungkook muttered to himself, putting on a pair of rubber gloves. He tugged at the hems of each glove, adjusting it so that they sat well on his hands. Once done with the task, the male fixed up his jumpsuit.

He had to be as quiet as possible.

Upon seeing that everything was set right, he brought out a box of paint.

He'd already made sure that Taehyung had gone to bed. Looking around for one last final check, the male stepped into the storage room. One that was situated behind the store.

The room had much better lighting than the store, filled to the brim with boxes stacked over each other - most of them being supplies that he'd later be putting up for sale.

Walking to the far back of the room, he stopped before a huge board covered by a piece of cloth.

"Let's get to work, shall we?" He said to himself, setting down the box of paint. Upon removal of the cloth, a painting about the same height of the male was revealed.

Oaks dressed in orange and green stood by a lake that pictured a mirror image of the sky. A small bench sat close to the edge of the lake, adding to the beauty of the artwork. One could sense the crisp and dry themes that Autumn brought about, while still admiring the beauty of it's varying colours. Some areas of it appeared to be incomplete but the unfinished work still left a smile on the male's face.

Bringing out several bottles of green paint, the male set to work. Mixing different colours together on a pallette, he set  to work when he got the color he wanted. His fingers brushed along certain areas in the bench, giving it a mossy texture. He moved on to giving the blades of grass a sharper look by running the undersides with a deeper shade of the colour it currently displayed.

The male worked on the art piece with a smile cast on his face, the image of the place all ingrained in his memory. This was a piece that he'd been working on for as long as he could remember. And once it was done, the male was sure that he'd finally be able to pay off his debt.

The debt that he had been working towards for the past three years; Dragging Namjoon, he and another into helping him. But until that day came, there was no way he'd be showing this piece to anyone.

Seeing that he was done making adjustments to the grass, the male took a step back to view the painting.

"I need a different texture for the sky." He mumbled, staring at the painting deep in thought. And as if struck by a brainstorm of ideas, the male's face lit up. He pulled out the gloves and set them aside, making sure that the paint in them didn't mess up the floor. Bringing out his bottles of blue, the male excitedly dipped his fingers in them.

"This ought to make a difference."

The male moved to set his fingers on the canvas, but stopped just before they touched the surface. His fingers hovered over the painting, his excited expression fading into a lost one.

He couldn't remember... He couldn't remember how the sky looked like. He couldn't remember the colours that spread through it. The image of the place that had looked so vibrant in his mind not too long ago began to fade.

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