Air Port

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Cassie's POV

   Colby was freaking out because he couldn't find his passport. I was trying not to smile or laugh while I was being serious. Colby looked everywhere and was about to scream when Elton said "cassie Give it to him" I nodded and lifted my shirt I took out the two passports and looked at the pictures.

I gave Colby his "oh what you turned her against me!" He said looking at Elton while he filmed it. Elton laughed and he looked at me "she was very against the idea of pranking you" Colby turned too me and I gave him a sweet smile and he smiled back at me. He cane over to give me a hug, "you don't like hurting prople" I heard him say to me quietly.

   "I'm saying this again y'all are the cutest thing" Corey said still holding his suitcase. I blushed and playfully pushed him away. He laughed at us and we went to walk through security, when we got through security we walked to our plane and found our seats. "Colbs what seat did you get?" I asked he held out his ticket "E578, you?" I looked at mine "E579!" We both smiled with shocked faces and highfived.

  "You guys coming " Elton called back, we smiled and walked with them and went to our seats. Me and Colby put our suitcases up in the lift but me being short had to put my suitcase up for me. "Thanks Colbs" I said and took my seat. He smiled and sat down and we switched our phones over to air plane mode. I have a thing on my phone that tells me when my videos go up so I heard a ding and I took it out to check if it went up.

   I looked at Colby "Hey Colbs could you go on YouTube and go to my channel and see if my video is up" he nodded and took out his phone "sure" I smiled and said "Thanks" he nodded and continued to YouTube. A little later he told me "yup it's up. Hey it's the vine one" I giggled "yup. And Cringe" he laughed and shook his head, "you should do a video where you reenact your vines" I thought and started nodding.

   "That's actually a good idea, I might" I said he smiled and went back to his phone. I went on my phone and started reading and I got a notification. I looked at it "sam and Colby's video got up too 500,000 likes!" I gasped I tapped Colby and showed him. "Our Biltmore video!" I nodded and started shaking.

  I stopped myself and looked away, Colby noticed and said "Cassie it's okay, you don't have too go back" I shook my head "no I want to I'm just scared" Colby gave me a shocked face. "I understand, I was scared too. But it's okay, because you'll have Corey to be scared as well. But you'll also have your friends with you" Colby said and took my hand and started rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb.

   I smiled at him and tried to relax, but I also hate flying so Colby was holding onto my hand while I was trying not to freak out. But Colby was saying calming things in a nice voice. "Cass it's okay, we won't be on here for long" I nodded and closed me eyes and tried focusing on his voice.

   "Hey remember when we met Lindy" I nodded with a smile he chuckled "well Her mom uploaded the video of her daughter meeting Us" I opened my eyes "really?" He nodded and pulled it up on his phone. The video started and and the mom was walking while Lindy ran to me and said "Mommy look it's Cassie!" I smiled and she hugged me. At this point I smiled and bent down to hug her.

  "Do you know him" I asked pointing to Colbs. "Colby" she said happily, I nodded and pointed to the rest of my roommates and friends. She said them all even smosh. That took my mind off of the fact we were flying. After we were done talking to Lindy her mom said "Thank you, have a nice day" I said back "thank you too, also have a great day" and the video ended.

   I smiled and Colby squeezed my hand "see that was a nice video" I nodded with a smile. "Yeah I hope I see Lindy again some day, she is the sweetest girl I have ever met " he nodded agreeing. I yawned and he noticed "you can go back to sleep again " I nodded and yawned. I let my head fall on Colby's shoulder and he still had my hand in his.

   When I woke up Colby was rubbing my back and said "Cass wake up we're here" I sat up Colby was still holding my hand, he let go and grabbed both of our suitcases. He handed mine and I thanked him, we all walked off and Elton started filming. "Do how was the flight, because I know Cassie hates flying" he said pointing it to me.

  "Well, it sucked not going to ly, but Colby helped me calm down. Also sam and Colby's biltmore hotel video got 500,000 likes. In a week! " I said and Corey groaned he put his hands up and sam said "well we will be going back there so be ready when we get back" I shook my head and Elton said "well that's a thing, let's go get our home and car for the next to weeks!" He said excitedly.

  My energy came back and I jumped up and down "yeah let's go!" And Elton laughed, so we called an uber and we got in and started driving. When we got to the car place we got a motor home. I was exited and we all got in the one we got. "Wow, I've never been in one"......

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