Chapter 14

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Itachi was positive he was dead. He had died for a second time. His entire body ached, the muscles contracting and relaxing in a continuous sync. Everything in his mind was dark and blank. Just like it had been the first time around. His head felt as though someone had submerged him underwater, the pressure building the deeper he fell.

When he managed to open his eyes, the room was blurry and out of focus. Except he wasn't in his room. Itachi sat up from his place on the couch, narrowing his eyes as he surveyed the room. Had he been there all night?

“Urgh…” Itachi groaned, shielding his eyes. It was so bright. The light stung his eyes and made them water.

A noise stole his attention. He peered over the back of the couch and into the kitchen. There stood Reina. Despite his grogginess and delicate state, Itachi couldn't help but watch her. She pottered about the kitchen, in the same t-shirt he had found her in his bed in. The morning light gave her a glow.

She was effervescent.

Despite the sunlight that traipsed in through the kitchen window, Reina had her own glow, independent of the sunshine. The golden bands streamed through the glass catching the red that lined her hair. She was cooking what smelled by bacon and eggs. It made his stomach turn and gurgle all at the same time.

Itachi's lip twisted upwards at hearing the kunoichi hum to herself. She hopped about the kitchen, her steps light and nimble as she turned on the balls of her feet effortlessly.

Beneath the cut of her shirt, Itachi found his eyes travelling up the length of her bare legs. They were dainty in size yet underneath he spied muscles that she had trained hard for. His eyes carried on upwards, past the bend of her knees onto the curves of her thighs. The shirt stopped at the base of her backside; this detail caused his cheeks to flush and he forced himself to avert his gaze.

“I didn't take the great Itachi Uchiha for a pervert.” Reina turned, spatula in hand and a grin on her face.

Itachi's face darkened further. Then he winced.

“Why are you shouting so loudly?” Itachi lay back down on the couch, swathing an arm over his delicate [wandering] eyes.

“I'm not shouting. You're hungover, baka.” Reina chuckled clearly amused by his post-inebriation. “Here, drink this. I've made us breakfast. Just don't get used to it.” Reina padded over, a large glass of orange juice and plates in hand with a second plate balanced on her wrist. She lifted his legs, bridging them across her lap and using them as a table to balance her plate on.

Itachi pushed himself up, mindful of the breakfast that occupied his legs. “Thank you. Was I here all night?”

Reina chuckled and nodded, taking a bite of bacon. “Ahmm, we tried to move you but you were having none of it.”

“How much did I drink?”

“Umm, I mean, if the recycling bin is anything to go by - a small brewery?” Reina pointed her fork at the bin which was overflowing with bottles. Itachi groaned.

“Why aren't you in a state?” He asked, narrowing his eyes; partially from suspicion and in part from the light of the room. Reina smiled, her cheeks rising with smugness and eggs.

“My kekkai genkai.” Itachi stared at her, waiting an explanation. “Because it's on a molecular basis, my body filters out any foreign toxins quicker than usual. Thus, no hangover.”

Itachi groaned, lying back down. Reina sighed, leaning over to put her plate on the coffee table. “Kami, you're a wuss. You are an ex-S-ranked shinobi and you can't handle a little hangover?” Reina clicked her tongue. “Sit up.”

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