Blessing In Disguise

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Ambrose's Point of View

In three days Amelia and I will have been together a whole year. But that is aside the fact that right now I have a major headache. I took some Tylenol for it and got dressed.

I had to get my babygirl not only a gift for her seventeenth birthday but also one for our anniversary

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I had to get my babygirl not only a gift for her seventeenth birthday but also one for our anniversary. I made my way down to the kitchen where my mother had breakfast waiting for me.

"Good Morning baby,"mom said as she kissed my forehead. "Morning," I replied shortly leaning up against the counter. She must have noticed I wasn't feeling well, I mean she probably knows me better than I know myself. "Headache?" She asked as she plated breakfast."Yeah but I took medicine for it." I said as I sat down. I heard footsteps approaching so I turned around to find Harper and Sawyer had entered the kitchen as well. I rolled my eyes as I got up to greet them. Sawyer and I did our hand shake that we came up with years ago before I gave Harper a kiss on the forehead. We didn't notice dad had joined us until we heard his voice, "This looks so good baby." When we all made our way back to the table there he was hugging mom from behind. Not gonna lie we all made a noise as they kissed, dispute the fact we all had girlfriends. Dad told us to knock it off and we all laughed before eating our breakfast.

I was lost in a train of thought about what to get Amelia while doing the dishes when I heard Harper. "Hey Ambrose, wanna go get another tattoo with me?" she asked as she grabbed her wallet. I smiled at my baby sister. "Why not." I said, "Let me finish up here first." I started to grab another plate but mom took it from me, "go I can finish up." I have mom a hug before drying off my hands and grabbing my wallet. I grabbed my keys then Harps and I raced to see who could get to my Jeep first. No surprise she beat me and was sitting in the driver's seat when I climbed in. I tossed her the keys and we headed to the nearest good tattoo parlor.

"Hey Harps, what should I get for Amelia?" I asked still completely at a loss for what to get her. My little sister looked at me and laughed. "For your anniversary or for her birthday? Because it is the same day." I just rolled my eyes, "are you gonna help or not Harper? I don't want to fuck this up." We drove in silence to the shop. After she parked and we got out she smiled, "why not get her a promise ring? I mean knowing how close you two are it's gonna shock everyone if you don't marry her one day." She was right. Harper is always right.

I picked her up in a hug twirling her around, "Harps you are amazing have I told you that?" I was happy to hear her giggling as she playfully hit me. "Yes now put me down ya jerk," she said between laughs but I just carried her into the parlor. "Pick any tattoo you want baby sister I'll pay for this one as a thank you."

*tattoos are done*

Amelia's Point of Veiw
I woke up feeling like shit. I had been throwing up pretty violently for the past week now. I hadn't thought much of it until this morning. I got dressed and ran downstairs with the keys to my mustang. "Holy fuck I'm a week late!!!!" I thought as I drove to the store. "This can't be happening to us. We were careful!"

When I got back home Jojo was up

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When I got back home Jojo was up. Thankfully three pregnancy tests fits easily in one's purse when out of the box. "Good morning sweetie did you go out for a run?" She asked and I nodded, "yeah. I am just gonna go grab a shower. Feel all gross now." With that I ran upstairs to my bathroom and locked the door behind me.

I turned on the shower before opening the three test and peeing on them. I got in the shower while waiting for the results. Guess I cried the whole time I was so scared. When I got out of the shower, I couldn't tell you if my heart sank or jumped for joy when I saw the results I knew were coming.

Grabbing my phone I took a picture before texting Ambrose

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Grabbing my phone I took a picture before texting Ambrose.

Grabbing my phone I took a picture before texting Ambrose

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I attached the photo of the pregnancy tests and waited. Poking my head out of the bathroom I called out to Jojo, I figured she could help me tell dad. "Jojo I need some help."

No one's point of view

Colby and Bray were pissed at their children. While Jojo and Cassy were willing to be a support system to the young parents to be. Ambrose looked at his dad who was seething mad, "I'm going to help Amelia through everything. I'm not gonna be a dead beat dad like other young fathers. You guys have raised me to be responsible. I owe her that much and then some." He grabbed his keys and stormed out of the house. The young man having already bought Amelia's gift was going to deliver it in person. Even if he had to drive all night to get to the town she was in.

Young, Wild, and...Pregnant?!?!Where stories live. Discover now