First Meeting

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Amelia woke up at around noon that fateful Saturday

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Amelia woke up at around noon that fateful Saturday. Her sweet sixteen and instead of being back home with her friends she was in fucking Arizona because her father and step mother flew her out to Phoenix for a WWE Live event her father was on along side his tag team partner Matt Hardy. The pair were the current champions.

She got out of bed and in the shower cursing herself for even agreeing to the trip but it beat sitting back at her mother's doing nothing. Little did she know just what a birthday surprise was waiting for her at the arena.

As the birthday girl got dressed she started smiling at her outfit. It was a simple white crop top with flora pattern and her normal cut offs paired with her step mother's old wrestling boots. Maybe dad will let me have a sparing match with one of the female superstars since its my birthday she thought knowing better.

She was the youngest daughter of a Windham Rotunda better known as WWE Superstar Bray Wyatt and his first wife. This ment she was the youngest member of the Windham-Rotunda dynasty in WWE. Not that she'd ever be allowed to step into the ring.

She shrugged at the thought and walked out to meet her parental units. Her headphones in blasting Paramour's Misery Business, she hugged them both before walking outside to see her first birthday gift of the day. 

Amelia's Point of View

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Amelia's Point of View

As I walked out of the hotel there was this beautiful gold Mustang Cobra 500 with a black bow on it. I took my headphones out as my jaw dropped "holy shit is this for me?!" I asked looking at dad and Jojo who both nodded as the valet handed me the keys. I ran over and hugged their necks before getting in the driver's seat.

Jojo got in the back and dad took the passenger seat. He instructed me how to get to the arena over the music.

No one's point of view

As the Rotunda family made their way to the arena Cassidy and her kids were busy decorating the ring. She had been asked by Bray to help surprise his oldest daughter with a party before the show.

"Mom," her oldest Ambrose started, "why do we have to do this? We don't even know the girl." Making his point Cassidy looked at him with a smile, "because she is apart of your WWE family regardless on if we have met her."

They finished up as Seth got back with the food which he and his Shield brother's set up in catering. Ambrose waked outside listing to music when he saw the golden Cobra pull up and park. He was interested in the car because he had been to a lot of shows and never seen it. Then Amelia climbed out.

Ambrose's Point of View

That is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, I thought as I watched the driver get out of the car. Needing to know who she was I walked over to her smiling. "Nice ride, I'm Ambrose Lopez." I held out my hand to her and she smirked. "Thanks and I am out of your league," she was harsh.

"Amelia be nice," I heard Bray speak for the first time. This is the girl the party is for. My mind put two and two together and I knew how to win a date with the beauty before me. "So you are the birthday girl."

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