"Tell me what? Demi I swear if you cheated on me..."

" no,no listen babe.  When I was younger I used to be in that same exact room as Gracie and this lady would come in my room all the time and I'll be like hi auntie Natalie and she'll say hi right back, she even played with me. Until one we were going to the beach and I asked my mom could auntie Natalie come with us and she's like who's that Demi, who's Natalie. And I'm pointing at Natalie telling my mom she's right here and that's when I realized my mom couldn't see her. She thought I was crazy and that I made her up"

" I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! I just knew yo mama used to do voodoo in this fucking house now my daughter talking to some damn ghost. You telling me you can see ghosts and Shit?" Odell asked.

" yes" Demi said.

" Demi I can't stay here!"

" why not?" She asked.

" you do realize that you married a full blood hood nigga right? I'm black! We don't play with that paranormal shit" Odell said.

" Odell stop acting stupid, Natalie is nice I just have to talk to Gracie in the morning" Demi said wrapping her arms around Odell.

"She still around! Oh hell naw Demi, ain't nothing cool about this" Odell said moving out of Demi's arms.

" I have the eyes to see, you think I won't protect you? Come on let's go to bed"Demi chuckled.

"He's so dramatic"Natalie said.

"He definitely is" Demi said.

"We got holy oil in this house?" Odell asked.

" ok if you want to act crazy then fine but I'm going to bed" Demi said getting up under the blanket.


Odell had went to work so it was just demi and Gracie in the house well along with the two spirits. Demi sat with in her room reading in the bean bag chair while Gracie played with her toys.

"So Gracie, daddy told me you where talking to yourself yesterday" Demi said putting her book down.

" no. I was talking with my friend" Gracie said.

" he's right here" Gracie said looking on the side of her.

" Gracie you have a gift just like mommy. We can see people daddy can't see, I understand he's your friend but he's not real person so daddy can't see him" Demi explained.

" that means he's a Casper?" She asked.

" yes baby"

Gracie looked on the side of her before she got up moving in her mom's arms.

" don't be scared princess. Mommy has a friend too and she's been with me ever since I was 6" Demi explained.

"He's not going to show himself" Natalie said.

"And your husband is home....early"

Demi got up with Gracie still in her arms going downstairs.

"Hey baby" Demi said greeting Odell at the door.

"Hey. What's wrong with her?" He asked.

" she found out her little friend was a ghost so she's scared"

"Awe baby, daddy scared too" Odell said taking his daughter in his arms.

"You married a comedian" Natalie laughed.

"He won't show himself and I need to know who he is if he's going to be around" Demi said.

" he don't need to be around, none of them. We over here scared" Odell said rubbing his daughter back.

Demi walked in the kitchen going to the cabinet to grab some salt.

"Charlie if you can't show yourself then you can't be around Gracie" Demi spoke out loud.

"You better stop! Before you make him mad"

" he's right there" Gracie said pointing at the top of the stairs.

"Princess tell yo lil friend don't get close to me" Odell said.

Demi looked towards the stairs seeing a head peak around the corner.

" don't be scared, you can speak to me. I have a friend too, her name is Natalie" Demi said.

" we've spoke" Natalie said.

Charlie finally appeared to Demi. Demi was shocked to actually see him, he definitely wasn't a little boy. More like a teen.

" he's like her guardian" Natalie said.

"How long have you been here?" Demi asked.

"Since she was born" Charlie spoke.

"He's mean" Charlie said talking about Odell.

" he's just difficult to understand" Demi said.

" I knew I shouldn't have brought yo mama that drink" Odell said talking about the night he met Demi.


A/N: I didn't know how to end this 🤦🏽‍♀️

Part 2 or 👎🏽?

Odell and Demi stories(Vol.1)Where stories live. Discover now