Announcement + Part 12

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Hey everyone! I am back with a new update and also an announcement. I have posted a brand new story on a different genre. Please, check it out <3

The Murderous Trail

Now, let's move on to the new chapter


"Stop glaring at Arnav, Khushi and tell me the truth now." Shyam demanded an answer. Needless to say, Khushi was stuttering. NK couldn't hold it in any longer and laughed out loud after seeing Khushi being tensed for no reason. 

"Oh come on, Khushi I was just kidding. Why didn't you tell us that Arnav invited us for dinner tomorrow? He just complained saying that you canceled the plan." Shyam said. Khushi sighed in relief but she definitely threw a murderous glance towards Arnav. "Uh.. um because we have plans right? That's why." Khushi said. "Scratch that off, we can go there any other time. We are here for 2 weeks. We have plenty of time for sight-seeing and other stuff." Shyam said, fixing the plan.

"Yeah sure. Anyways, let's go now. I am tired." Khushi complained. "Yes, grandma number 2. Bye guys! See ya tomorrow." Shyam bid adieu to the brothers and made his way out with his sisters. Khushi looked back only to see Arnav flashing his evil smirk and waving a good-bye.

Decision made: Khushi officially hates Arnav.

Khushi freshened up and suddenly there was a knock at her door. 

"Who's knocking at 4 in the morning?" She opened the door to see Payal standing at her doorstep with a stern look on her face.

"Okay, so what happened actually?" Payal questioned Khushi. Khushi knew what she was hinting at but mistook her for teasing her like Shyam. "Jiji, you are so boring. I won't fall for the trap twice. Better luck next time with this old tactic." Khushi and was going to sleep when Payal said, "You think I am dumb? Bhai was referring to Arnav but you were talking about something else. Now tell me, before I wake up Bhai and tell him that you were talking about something else." 

Payal was border-line threatening Khushi. 

"Jiji, I think Bhai is the lawyer and don't turn my room into a court-room, please." Khushi said. "Answer me now, Khushi." Payal said the same line like a broken tape recorder. "Ugh okay fine. I saw Paras there and he was acting weird. I was stuck with his non-sense but Arnav helped me out at the end and I made him promise that he won't tell Bhai anything. That's it." Khushi screamed out her confession in frustration. 

"That jerk Paras was there?" Payal's eyes were going to pop out in shock. Khushi slapped herself. Her sister was worse than her brother when it comes to thinking irrationally. "I am so going to kill him the next time I see him. Why didn't you call me at that time?" Payal questioned Khushi. Oh, the revenge Payal would have taken at that time. Loss of a good opportunity.

"Because, of this. You are acting like a lunatic, Jiji." Khushi said. After setting aside her rage towards Paras, Payal comforted Khuhsi. It must have been hard for her to see him that too after a long time. "Are you okay though?" Payal asked in a much softer tone. Payal expected Khushi to cry like a baby but she was surprised at her calm reaction. 

"Actually, I don't know why, but I don't I think I feel anything for him, anymore." Khushi said and continued. "After all the stuff he has said today, I think whatever emotions were left in me suddenly died down." She herself felt confused about her reaction.

"I'd say that's a good thing. I'm so sorry for over-reacting but I knew it from that moment something was wrong. But, I am glad Arnav helped you out. He's so nice." Payal said to which Khushi faked a vomiting sound. "Him and nice? Why on earth did he act like he told Bhai everything? I almost had a heart attack." Khushi complained.

"Ugh forget it. At least, he helped. Who helps anyway these days? Plus he was pulling your leg for fun I guess. I am pretty sure he has no idea how serious it was." Payal said. "It certainly gave him a hint. But whatevs. Now, that you are in my room crash here for tonight. I really don't want to stay alone." Khushi said.


"He did what!" NK almost shouted after Arnav was done narrating the scene that had happened earlier. "Yup. What a douche!" Arnav snickered. "Why do you look disappointed?" Arnav asked because NK's expression wasn't matching the one he had expected. "Well, I thought something happened between you two. What a bummer." NK exclaimed. "Gosh, you are such a child. I wonder how your parents are okay with you going out alone. You are like those 5-year-old kids who get lost at a super-market or does something stupid the second their parents look at the other direction."  Arnav was so done with his childish behavior. 

He wondered what his girlfriend even saw in him. 

"I am sorry! Chill out. I wonder how Khushi even tolerated that idiotic person. Props to her for being strong enough for handling herself so well." NK said.

"Yeah. But I am kinda intrigued about this whole situation. I want to know more." Arnav said.


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 05, 2019 ⏰

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