20 // into the unknown light + announcement

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In the heavens, black clouds gathered

On the earth, blustering winds blew

For seven months and seven nights, the storm clouds covered the sky

For nine months and nine nights, violent gusts buffeted the land.

The waters of Yangtze swelled up to the top,

and river waters spread to every corner of the land.

- Chinese myth - Creation Story of the Lisu, trans. Kimijima Hisako (Chikuma Shobo)

"Ma'am, can I have some muffins, please?" Lucy came bursting into the store.

"Huh?" She stopped abruptly, and blinked quizzically, still clenching the coins in her fist. Johannah couldn't help but smile at how adorable she was.

"You're here again, Uncle?"

Jean smiled wryly at his niece's frank attitude.

"Lucy, I'm here to do my job. You understand, right?" 

"What job?"

"You know Ms. Johannah's muffins, the ones you love so much? I'm going to write a feature on them. An impressive job, don't you think?"

"What's a feature gonna do?"

"It'll make the muffins famous. Ms. Johannah will have lots and lots of customers."

"I don't want that," Lucy said, puffing out her cheeks sulkily as she glared at her uncle. "If everyone buys her muffins, there won't be any left for me."

"Don't worry," Johannah said as she took two muffins out of the display case. "You're my important customer. I'll always set aside some for you. Cheese and raisin, one of each. The raisin one is a present from me."

"Really? Thank you," Lucy glowed. "Can I eat it now?"

"Sure you can," Johannah said. "It's right about tea time, anyway. Why don't we make some hot cocoa for Lucy, hmm?"

"Yay! You're the best," Lucy grinned.

How lovable she is.

Johannah's heart warmed. It always happened when she saw children smile. A warm, gentle feeling rose up inside her heart each time.

As a resident of Lost Town, an older district of No. 6, Lucy was certainly not in the most plentiful of environments. In a city like this, where elites sat at the pinnacle and a complete hierarchy ruled, no matter how hard Lucy tried, she would never be able to climb to the upper echelons. Lost Town was a residential district for people who sat at the bottom of the hierarchy. Among adults, there were many people who showed listlessness or angry abandon at their defeat, but children were not infected by this. They raced down alleyways, laughed at the smallest things, and set their eyes aglow at tasty foods. Perhaps this was an easier place to live for them compared to Chronos, where they would be placed under strict management and thorough instruction.

I want them to be happy.

Johannah thought in her heart while she gazed at Lucy's carefree smile.

I want the children, at least, to be happy.

But what should I do so that they can? As an adult, what am I able to do? I can't even save my only son, or even the girl that loved him―

"Johannah, what's the matter?"

Jean lifted his face from photographing the muffins and croissants.

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