Start from the beginning

"Hey Ruby, would you please come to my room quickly."

"On my way, Lucy Mam," the voice on the other side said gently. I cut the call and turned to talk to Kylie who's smirk was now replaced by a scowl.

She trudged towards me and asked, clearly confused " Are you seriously okay with it? Wasn't this room precious to you because it reminds you of your time with your mom?" I looked away from her trying to compose myself while I pretended to smooth the crumpled sheets.

This bitch knew and she is doing it all deliberately.

"Of course I am, I was burdened with all those memories in here." I fanned my face.

"You called me, Ms. Lucy," Ruby, my dearest housemaid said as she entered the room.

"Ruby, how many times have I told you to just call me Lucy. Well anyway, I am changing my room so would you please transfer my stuff to another room," I said pointing towards my stuff.

She scrunched her nose but nodded. "To which room?"

Before I could answer Kylie spoke, " The one room on the other side of the mansion, where no one goes will be the best for her."

"Yes, actually it will be," I chirped surprising both of them, shifting my gaze from Ruby to Kylie "Cause you know, at least I wouldn't have to see the shit faced people first thing in the morning anymore."Ruby coughed trying to hide her laugh and Kylie was fuming, knowing who I was referring to.

" As you say, Lucy," said Ruby grinning and went out to call other maids.

"Say whatever you want, I know you are faking it." Kylie accused stepping right in front of me, arms crossed.

I gave her a big fake smile. "Think whatever pleases your mind, no one's stopping you."

She glared at me for a few seconds, huffed and walked out.

Bitch ain't satisfied.


Standing outside my new room, I sighed sadly. I never wanted to change my room. I had so many memories with mom in that room, that room was the only place where I felt like home and now that's taken from me too. I know that Kylie is doing all these just to take revenge on me. She has already taken so much from me and I don't think she will stop until she watches me dying on the streets.

"Lucy, all your stuff has been set, just the posters are left. Where do you want us to stick them?" Ruby asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

" Leave it on the couch I will decide it later and thanks for all your help Ruby."

Ruby gave me a sad smile and placed her one hand on my shoulder. " Are you okay dear, with this sudden change?" 

"Even if I am not, I don't have any other option," I said with a sad smile. I took her hands from my shoulder and placed it between my palms. " You know, you don't have to worry about me, otherwise you will begin to have wrinkles just in your early forties without even getting married."

She laughed and went out after telling me to take care of myself. I shut the door after her and sighed again. With the door closed and no one to watch me, my eyes started watering. Chocochip came running towards me on his tiny legs. I bent down and patted him.

I walked towards my study table and took out a notebook and a pen. Finally letting my genuine feelings resurface I drew the face of Kylie on the paper and drew horns over her head, creepy teeth, wrote profanities around her face and scribbled over it. I furiously stabbed on her drawing with a pen, pouring out my pent up anger and frustration on it. Then I tore the paper slowly as the tears in my eyes began to flow.

" Why? what did I ever do to you?" staring at the bits of paper in my hand, I balled it and squeezed it so hard that my muscles began to hurt. " We were on good terms before, you were the one who betrayed me, I should be the one who should behave as you do, but I don't. Why can't you become a bigger person and mend it all."

I picked out the lighter from my drawer and lit up the paper ball and let it burn till fire reached my fingers. I threw it on the floor and crushed it under my feet. I bent down and gathered ashes between my hands and threw it in the dustbin. I breathed out the air and my anger along with it.

I know it is so childish of me to do it but it calms me down. Nobody knows about this habit of mine except Chocochip. I am sure others will think that I am a psychopath for this but it helps me to get rid of my anger without causing any harm to others. I don't burn or hurt any voodoo dolls here.

Chocochip silently watched me and came towards me, he started hopping on his two back foot. I picked him up and brought him close to my face. He licked my tears and softly barked. I smiled at him. I placed him down on my new queen sized bed, covered with classy red bed sheets.

Now that I look at my room, It's quite smaller than my old room but still big enough. The color of the wall is burgundy. A magnificent chandelier above my bed. Furniture and closet at all the right place and of the right color. There are two balconies. The closet is an entire room in itself. A big beautiful bathroom. All things were fade in comparison to my earlier room but this room is exactly of my taste.

I walked inside my closet. All of my clothes and accessories were nicely arranged all thanks to Ruby and other maids. It took me a few minutes to reach the end of my closet. I spotted a door and I walked towards it.

What is this door for? Is it a secret passage to someplace?

I slowly opened the door to reveal the circular stairs leading down. I could feel my blood pumping. I took a step forward and bent down holding on to the railing. I could only see the end of the steps and nothing else. I walked down the steps and when I reached the last step I spotted another door .

"Why haven't I seen this place before? I have been living in this house for what like seventeen years," I exclaimed to no one.

I looked around. There was only a little bit of space and a door. Curiousness was bubbling inside me as I opened the door, expecting what not.

"What?"I said when I saw where it lead to. I strolled inside. I was definitely not expecting this.

"How did I never saw this door in my garage?" I asked when I saw my car. I spun around to reassure myself that it was my huge garage. "Well, it's good. Now I have direct access to my garage. But I am still disappointed though. Guess my imagination just runs too wild." I pouted.


After doing my morning business and stuff, I went downstairs to the kitchen. There is rarely anyone down there at this time except the maids. I ate blueberry pancakes which Ruby made for me and informed her that I am going to visit mom and went to my garage after grabbing my car keys.

Every member of this family has their own personal garage with many cars stuffed inside though I have only one car which I bought by myself from my pocket money - my Ashy - my black Aston Martin Vanquish. She is my baby. She's really special to me because of 1. I bought it myself and 2.I am crazy for a sports car.
I sat inside my ashy, ignite it and drove it to my destination. to my Mom


A/N - HEY GUYS!!!!!

So the first chapter has finished. It took me a lot more time to write than I had expected. Considering it's my first time writing, I am a little bit nervous about how it is.

Thanks for Reading this and spending your precious time on it. I am really grateful.

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