"It's for volleyball it's always last minute" I laughed

"I want more heads up next time yu" she scolded

"Yeah yeah love you bye" she kissed me on the forehead as I left running down the street back to the gym.  I burst in only to find that once again no one was here.

"Ugh why is no one ever here when I come in" I whined dropping my backpack on the floor sitting down my back to the wall.  I waited three playing on the phone for about five minutes until Daichi and Suga came in talking excitedly

"Noya you got here pretty quickly" Suga commented

"I'm excited" I exclaimed

"I'm actually surprised Hinata isn't here yet" Daichi laughed

"Speak of the devil" Suga laughed as Hinata burst into the gym Kageyama grumpily trailing behind him

"Is anyone here chill" Daichi shook his head disapprovingly

"Hi!" Yamaguchi exclaimed cheerfully coming in a few moments behind Kageyama.  Tsukishima came in as well a few paces behind Yamaguchi

"I told you not to run Yama" Tsukishima scolded

"Sorry Tsukki" Yamaguchi scratched at the back of his head awkwardly

"Now we're waiting on Tanaka and Asahi" Suga pointed out setting his bag on the floor next to mine before sitting down crossing his legs in front of him folding his hands in his lap. 

"Tanaka will be here soon" Daichi insisted sitting down next to Suga and as he said Tanaka burst into the room a sharp toothed smile plastered on his face

"Tanaka did you see Asahi?" Suga asked

"Yeah he's coming don't worry" Tanaka insisted.  We waited a few more minutes and Asahi eventually showed up carrying his bag over one shoulder.

"Now all we have to wait for is the bus" I exclaimed

"The bus has been waiting for us" Daichi corrected standing up holding his hand out. Suga grabbed his hand and Daichi pulled him up to his feet.

"Oh" I mumbled following everyone onto the bus. It wasn't the nicest bus I've been on but it was pretty nice. Hinata and Kageyama sat next to each other close to the back.  Suga and Daichi sat towards the front next to where Ukai and Takeda were already sitting.  Yamaguchi and Tsukishima sat towards the back a few seats away from Kageyama and Hinata.  Tanaka sat in the very last seat and me and Asahi sat right behind Suga and Daichi.  Asahi got the window seat.  I pulled out my phone right as the bus pulled out of the parking lot.  I listened to Suga and Daichi's conversation though not getting involved.

"Are you excited?" Suga asked him softly

"Kind of are you?" Daichi replied. I leaned back in my seat closing my eyes

"I'm really excited though I probably won't get to play it's still fun to see how everyone manages" I could hear the excitement in his voice and even though I couldn't see him I knew he was smiling

"Are you really okay with not being in the matches?" He asked

"Yeah, Kageyama is a natural genius and plus I had my turn and now it's their turn" he responded the excitement starting to drain from his voice

"It's our last year though shouldn't you want to play make your last huge exit before going off to college?" I heard Suga move around in his seat

"Yeah but I'm fine with not playing I'm still on the court just in the sidelines I can observe the other players and help as I can" there was a hint of sadness and hesitation in his voice

Volleyball is gay [Hakyuu OneShots]Where stories live. Discover now