{1} The invitation

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Master Frown's POV

I woke up this morning at like 7am and then went downstairs to get some breakfast. To my surprise Brock was already there, playing his video games. He was so into it he didn't even notice me. I sigh. I eat my breakfast and go get dressed. *phone rings* "Ugh, I'll get it," I say sarcastically to myself knowing Brock didn't hear me. I pick up the phone. It was my boss, she called me to tell me that the meeting today was canceled due to unknown reasons. After she's finished talking, I hang up the phone. 'Hm, since the meeting was canceled, I can go make UniKitty's day miserable!' I think to myself while making my way to the front door. Just as I was about to open it, a letter slide through the mail slot. I pick it up in disbelief, we never got letters before and all of Brock's friends text him. I look at it closely and read who is it for. It says it's for both me and Brock. I shrug and open it. Immediately, glitter and confetti shoot out of it, directly into my face. 'Wait.. sparkly glitter, pink confetti..' I pull the letter out 'Pink letter..?' Then I realize there's only one person who would send us this-- UniKitty. I sigh and start unfolding it. "Huh, Master Frown, what'cha got there?" Brock says, noticing me and the sparkly glitter all over the place. "It's a letter.. from UniKitty for both of us, actually," I answer. "And you were gonna open it without me?" he says, walking over to me. "Well you didn't seem to care about it," I say in my defense. He sighs and motions me to oped the letter. I unfold it and we look.

To Brock and Master Frown!
Me and my friends are planning to have a pool party today at 11am and I decided you should join us! Puppycorn's gonna try to do a flip jump into the water, you've gotta see it! And there's gonna be barbecue too! Anyways, I hope you can make it!:3

P.S: Don't forget to bring all the necessary stuff!
P.P.S: Also, feel free to bring snacks if you want!
P.P.P.S: Text me if you can't come! I'll be sad though..


"Ugh it's just some stupid invitation," I say angered, about to throw the letter away. "No, dude!! That's rude, and we're SO going to that totally awesome party!" he disagrees with me. "What?? No, go alone, I'm not going!" I say back to him. "No, you are going, she really wants us to come dude, it even says it on the letter, she'll be sad!" he argues. "Like I care, I'm Master Frown! It's my job making-" "Yeah, yeah, heard it a million times, c'mon, we're getting ready," he says and goes off with the letter in his room, getting a beach bag. "Ugh.." I sigh and go upstairs to my room. It's already 8:30am. 'I guess I better get ready.. I'm not gonna have fun though.' I say to myself and start gathering all the things I'll need there. We left quite soon, because there was a lot of traffic here. It was about an hour before we reached UniKingdom. "Ugh, it's so- so damn hot here," I say, taking my hood off. "Yeah.." Brock replies. We keep on driving until we reached the UniCastle.

UniKitty's POV

'Okay, so the letter was sent, it should've arrived today in the morning. The pool and the barbecue's getting set up, which is also good.. I really hope Master Frown shows up..' Some time after the first few times I've met Master Frown, I've developed a crush on him. It wasn't as bad as Hawkodille's, but I still liked Master Frown a lot. Today I want to, mind it out, I guess- or even better!- tell him how I've felt all this time.. I can't wait!!

UniFrown-Human!: Pool partyWhere stories live. Discover now