Bambi, Nightmares, and Thank You

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It was around seven-thirty at night when Jaxon called me out of the blue telling me that he was going to pick me. I was advised to pack a bag to spend the night and the clothes I would wear tomorrow for school.

Of course, I wanted to spend a night with Jaxon. Even if we'd only started somewhat dating this same week, I'm surprised we didn't have a sleepover while we were in the 'friends' stage of our relationship given the many hours I had spent at the West residence.

Telling my parents about the sudden change in plans came with an embarrassing result that left both my dad and I wishing we could dig our graves and just lie in it. When I told them I would be spending the night at Jaxon's house, and that he was coming to pick me up very soon, my mother was grinning like the Cheshire cat.

She was shoving me into my room, quickly bringing out my bag and packing in my clothes as though she were about to put me on a plane and send me away. And the articles of clothing she shoved in my bag, I think my mother had ulterior motives, and was way more excited for this sleepover than I was.

Mom was digging through my drawers, laughing and cackling to herself while dad stood in the doorway of my room, arms crossed over his chest and he kept shaking his head. I was dying from embarrassment, my face on fire when I saw what my mom was putting into my bag.

Usually, I sleep in a loose pair of what I call 'Grandpa Boxers', and an oversized t-shirt. But my mother was babbling on about how I was going to be spending a night in my mate's bed, I'd need to look irresistible as she grabbed up a pair of my black underwear. No, not boxers. The regular one; and I didn't usually wear this one because it held everything in place, and I didn't like anything suffocating while I slept.

After shoving a few articles of clothing- which included my clothes for school tomorrow- she ran out of the room cackling like a hyena on crack. I heard her go into the room she shared with dad, and a few moments later she returned.

She held out the objects in her hands, a mischievous grin plastered on her face. I was mortified, and dad's eyes were practically bugging out of his head.

"Marissa!" dad called sternly, giving my mother a disapproving look which she shrugged off like nothing. My mother walked to my bag and placed the items inside.

"What? Rick, I'm just trying to ensure they're safe."

"Why would we need condoms, mom? Jaxon and I haven't even started dating."

Oh my gods! I swear, my mother...

My mother just marched toward me, hand on her hip as she pinned me with a prideful stare. "Asher Stone, you were adorable as a baby. Now, look at you. I've given you the cutest little butt and there's no way Jaxon can resist it." she argued like she was talking about something as casual as the weather.

"Marissa!" dad scolded, facepalming himself in mortification. Yeah dad, just imagine how your son is feeling. You wife is trying to get him laid.

I was beyond mortified by now, just willing the ground to open up and swallow me. Just what did my mother think Jaxon and I were going to do? We certainly hadn't gotten that far in our relationship.

There was a slight pounding at the front of my head, and I felt a headache coming on. Rubbing my temples, I directed my next words to my father, hoping he would become my saving grace in this humiliating situation. "Daddy, please stop her before I lose my mind." I pleaded, and my father nodded, coming forward to hold my mother by the shoulders.

He started pulling her out of the room as my mother went off on talking me through sex, telling me to ensure that Jaxon uses enough lubrication- no spit- and that he puts on a condom.

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