Rivals X In X Survival (Basically the start to the anime)

Start from the beginning

"There we go! We got ourselves one hot monster ready to kill," she looked up at Illumi and smiled as if nothing happened!

Illumi was shocked both at her sudden control of her powers and her emotional changes. He looked at her and chuckled surprised at the scene. He went down on his knees and patted her head mechanically. His disguise did make Ayami slightly uncomfortable but she knew that it was only temporary and accepted the acknowledgment she got. He stood up once again looking at the shapeshifter that was being held by her nen. He made sure that the other shapeshifter was watching as he threatened to torture it for their pleasure unless they took them where the Hunter's Exam would be held at. Of course, because all he could say were random clicks, Ayami translated it while Illumi let out his nen to frighten the creature. It quickly agreed knowing that the threat was real and didn't want to lose its life.

Ayami let the creature go and stood with the help of Illumi. The shapeshifters flew them across the sky and finally arrived at Zaban City in front of a restaurant . The shapeshifters had now shifted into a human form and led them into the restaurant.

"Oh gosh I wonder if we get to eat I'm famished." Ayami said smelling the food being prepared in a small open kitchen.

The shapeshifter navigator man showed them in and went to the chef with them behind.


"Is the back room open?" The navigator man asked the short chef.

"What will you have?"

"The steak combo that opens your eyes to the light, for two." He replied.

"How would you like them?"

"Grilled over a low flame, until cooked."

"Got it. Let yourself into the backroom."

Ayami looked at Illumi or in this case Gittarackur seeing if they should follow or not. He followed the man with Ayami by his side into a small back room.

"Wait here." The man said to Ayami when they entered the room.

"Sir, why are we here? Where are the others?Will this place lead us to the Hunter's Exam site?" Ayami questioned still feeling hunger smelling the air. She couldn't wait for the steak combo.

"You'll see. This room is an elevator and will take you down to your site. I wish you both good luck." He stepped outside the room shutting the door. "One in ten thousand." He whispered to himself remembering the strong wave of nen from the small girl.

"Gitta,I wanna eat." Ayami whined with an emptiness in her voice as the elevator began descending to the site. Gittarackur just clicked saying something that even she couldn't understand.

Once they arrived they were greeted by a small green man that gave them tags with numbers. Ayami got 300 and "Gittarackur" got 301. This is when they were also approached by a fat man who looked oddly suspicious from that moment.

"Hey, I noticed you to don't look familiar so I'm guessing your new at this. My names Tonpa by the way!" The fat man said holding fruit drinks that immediately appealed Ayami and her hunger.

Unfortunately Gittarackur's appearance seemed to have frightened him off since he left in a rush saying a quick goodbye.

"You jerk, I was thirsty! You could have let me ask for a drink before scaring him off..." Ayami pouted giving off the impression of a child. Gittarackur only let out some series of clicks before heading to a wall to lean on. She started looking around but couldn't see much at her height. "Gitta pick me up. I wanna look around."

He picked Ayami up with one swoop and sat her on his shoulders carefully avoiding the pins. Ayami places her hands on the top of his head to avoid the pins. As she looked she felt a familiar presence around the room. Killua. Her expression hardened.

"Gitta. He's here."

He let out clicks saying to not reveal themselves yet being that they were here to get a license. She looked around trying to spot her little brother. Suddenly a clown started approaching them.

"Hehe~It's been to long my old friend. And who might this little dove be?" The clown said giving off some creepy nen. No, I need to come up with a name now damn it! Ayami thought for a second before answering.

"My names Tsukiko! And what's yours Mr. Clown?" Ayami extended her arm to shake his only to be slapped away by Gittarackur.

"Oh? My name's Hisoka little one. Are you possibly related to Gittarackur?"

"Yup!" Gittarackur started releasing some nen and Hisoka did the same. Are they friends? Ayami released a small wave of her nen that equaled their power. Hisoka and Gittarackur stopped and looked towards her. She smiled at them and said, "Let's not fight just yet, alright?"

Hisoka licked his lips and chuckled. "You're right little fruit. Now's not he time." He nodded at Gittarackur and walked away into the crowd.

"What a creep."

Gittarackur let out some clicks in agreement not wanting to bother with Hisoka just yet. Unfortunately, in the next five minutes, Hisoka turned someone's arms into flowers. Ayami looked at the now flower arms with disturbed but intrigued eyes.

"Oh how unfortunate. His arms seem to have become flower petals. No smoke and mirrors here." Some gasps were heard in the silent room. "Do take care. When you bump into someone, you really should apologize."

Ayami shivered at Hisoka's power. He's strong but dangerous. Good thing that he is Illu's friend. A white streak passed by in the crowd walking towards Tonpa. Ayami saw him ask for another drink and gulp it down frightening the man leaving Killua to say he was immune to poison. Ah. So it was poisoned. That's why he had them to hand out. But still, Kil should be more careful around others. He's grown so much. I wonder if he still remembers me. Ayami looked away careful to not give them away.

After what seemed an eternity of silence, an alarm rang through the room as a strange man with a mustache came out. What appeared to be a wall suddenly started rising revealing a tunnel.

"I apologize for the wait. The entry period for Hunter applicants has ended. The Hunter Exam will now begin!" The strange man said as some people let out grunts getting ready for what's to come. "A final caution. If you are short on luck or ability, you could very well end up seriously injured or even dead. Those who accept the risks, please follow me. Otherwise, please exit via the elevator behind you."

Nobody moved or thought of going back now.

"Very well. All 404 applicants will participate in Phase One." The man started to walk and gradually got quicker making the people in the front run.

"I neglected to introduce myself. I am Satotz, the Phase One examiner. I shall lead you to the exam's Second Phase."

"Second Phase? What about Phase One?" Some from the crowd shouted.

"It has already commenced," said Satotz. Many people started to shout.

"It's already begun?"

"This is part of the test?"

"You must follow me to Phase Two." Satotz said looking back at the people. "This is the exam's First Phase."

"Follow you?"

"Yes. I cannot tell you when or where you must arrive. You need to follow me."

Ayami shifted to run by Gittarackur's side which many people distance themselves from him. The First Phase had finally begun. Applicants with little to no training and applicants who used or knew of nen. One already dead because of Hisoka. She felt a hint of excitement of not knowing what's to come.

2079 words.....Hope you guys enjoy! Updates will be taking longer (but still weekly) because finals are coming up in 3 weeks. Also, the picture above is what the arm-tentacle things would kind of look like.

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