Odd X And X Different

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"Grandpa!" She screamed as she jumped into his arms with him catching her in the embrace. As he put her down he spoke quite cheerfully.

"Ayami, I see you're up and filled with energy now. How are you feeling?" her grandfather questioned. She started getting sick of the same questions over and over but replied with a quick assurance that her health was steadily growing. She said a quick few words to talk in the garden later as she walked off to see if her mother and possibly her little brother as well. Walking aimlessly through pathes in the mountain she felt ill and suddenly collapsed onto her knees as her nen suddenly became black draining the life out of everything in a yards distance away from her. Beads of sweat formed on her head as she looked around to see if anyone had seen what just happened. It's becoming stronger now. Harder to control. I need help. She sighed at her own ignorance. She had yet to tell anyone about this random spurge of dark nen that would drain life around her. Ayami believed it must have something to do with all the experiments. She looked at the ground seeing the now dead plants in the patches of green grass. Brushing away dirt from her knees, Ayami got up and began walking and planing to learn to control this new nen specialty she had gained. With luck, she could control it enough to go out with Illumi.

She hadn't paid much attention to wear she was walking and felt he smallest presence of her mother and little brother. She looked around to see if they were anywhere near. Once she found them she heard her mother shriek. Her mother embraced her tightly, as she pat her head crying. Ayami suddenly became uncomfortable seeing her mother display such emotions but didn't say anything about it.

"Oh my little girl! You are finally home with us. I couldn't be more pleased to see you here my darling. I can't wait to dress you in all the pretty little things I've bought you!"

"Oh, please mother you did not have to go and do that as much as I greatly appreciate your generosity." Ayami backed away slowly in order to say hello to her little brother. She was quite surprised that he remembered her as she hugged him and lifted him to kiss his forehead just like she used to.

"Well dear, why don't you find Illumi while I look for something to dress you in."

Ayami smiled and nodded as she walked back. She was scared about what happened earlier. Her nen. It was dangerous and cold which Ayami didn't enjoy. It reminded her of the years back in the small room with needles. She had to tell someone before it got out of hand. Illumi was the best option to her. At least he would help her maintain it somehow.

"Hey dork we need to talk," she said shutting the door to Illumi's room catching his attention.

"Could say the same thing to you dork." He replied as he threw a pin that she barely catched.

"I'm going to the Hunter's Exam and you're coming along. Grandfather and father both agreed it would be a good training to help you recover. I'm planning on going with an alias and advice you to do the same." Ayami nodded in agreement putting the pin on the desk.

"My talk is more about myself. I've been feeling....something and I don't know what it is. It's kind of- it's dark energy splurges and I can't control them. It's only happened twice I think. Once at the place I was held at and today outside in the woods. I'm worried so please help." Ayami was shaking at his point releasing her breath she didn't realize she was holding.

"Alright. I'll help. Let's see you use it." Illumi said standing up and crossing his arms.

Ayami slapped her head. "You moron I can't control it. That's why I'm asking for help."

"Touché. Still, you should be able to channel your nen and that might bring it out. If you can't even bring your nen out, there's no point of taking you outside."

"Oh come on! Really?"

"Yes. Do it."

"Ugh fine," she tried releasing her nen once but to no avail. "See, this is why I need your.." her nen was suddenly released like a wave.

At first the nen was dark and powerful, just as an assassin's nen should be but it slowly became darker and cold. It grew pitch black as Ayami fell to her knees wheezing in pain. Little did she know that her nen was affecting Illumi too. He froze as the cold and death-like nen rolled off his sister. He mustered up enough energy to take his pins and throw them at her trying to temporarily paralyze her. Suddenly the black nen formed into a black crystalline shield easily blocking the oncoming pins. Black tentacle-like arms oozing some type of black substance swung at his direction knocking him against the opposite wall.

The energy stopped and the room fell silent.


(Above is a picture I imagine Ayami would look like.)
Ok yikes. That was 1610 words. I hope you guys like it. As a reference though, do you prefer short or long chapters?
Also, next chapter will finally begin with the anime!

Siamese (Hunter X Hunter)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن