"Yes, My Prince."

I smile and pull back, surprised, but elevated when he offers a piece of his fire to me. I lock eyes with him, making sure he understands what he's doing. He nods, and I gently take the flames, before holding it to my chest, where it starts to melt into me. I can feel it merging with mine and I jolt as I suddenly feel the second pulse. I'll have to get used to that, especially since this is a two way bond, or more, since most of his soldiers are probably connected to him, but he has to get the fire directly from them or even their permission. 

"What on earth just happened?"

"Young girl, I just swore myself to serve the prince, alongside my men, till his or our death. By offering him a piece of my fire, I allowed him to essentially become our vassal, and I am placing a great deal of trust in him."


"He is to protect and give us home, food, and happiness, and in return, we make sure he and his family are safe. However, a firebender's Fire is precious to them, each piece a part of them, and offering a piece to your vassal, connects your souls. We can feel the fire pulse of each other's fire. It will let us know if the other is in danger,  dying or simply relaxing, with certain jolts. If my men accept, there will be many pulses, but it's entirely their choice and they can say no."

"Wow... Is this a popular ceremony?"

"No, as a matter of fact, it tends to be a rather private ceremony. Very rarely are they done, because it causes some odd side effects, but I am willing to take them all if only to keep the bond alive. Some of the bound die, most often the vassal is said to find wounds, bruises or even fatigue that doesn't feel like their own, but someone else's. Some vassal's get sick and never recover. A number of side effects have been documented."

"Then why does this ceremony still exist?"

"Because, watertribe warrior, this ceremony has existed as long as firebenders have. It's something special and unique in our culture, since this ceremony shows complete and utter trust in one person. With how rarely firebenders trust, let alone fully trust, someone, this ceremony has been dying out in practice. They don't even teach it in the schools anymore, they just gloss over it! The outrage! The-"

The others start tuning him out and I listen with half an ear, knowing all of this already. 

"Chit Sang, I think you should reevaluate your decision. Your "prince" would turn his back on you the second it befit him as long as he gets something out of it."

"Still your tongue, waterbender, for you know not which you speak. I will not think over my choice, for I have already done so, for years. 3 years, to be exact. I have known, as have my men, since the day Prince Zuko stood up to defend us, that we would do this ceremony."

"This ceremony, it gives home to both vassal and bound, or another home. However, this ceremony is all about making sure no one is ever alone and they have someone to return to, that they know will accept them and bring them in. No matter what. When would we be able to get the rest of your men?"

"After the war is over, most likely. I'll split before you guys really start doing anything, maybe tomorrow morning, and round up my men as best I can, and then depending on the outcome of the war, we can start a rebellion or we can come and pledge ourselves to you. So, My Prince, I am going to bed. Goodnight, all."

I smile and watch him leave, knowing he'll be residing by my sleeping space, which I showed to him earlier in case he felt uneasy around other benders or anything. Never had I ever felt this before, this feeling in my chest, like nothing could go wrong, like I'm protected, like I can sleep peacefully, no eyes open, no half sleep, because I know, 100% that someone has my back. I turn to the others and then glance at the sky and decide I'm going to follow him. 

"I'll head to bed as well. See you all in the morning, especially you, avatar, you will not be using anything as an excuse to get out of training, not since I haven't seen you in a couple days. Best be ready. Goodnight."

I stand and head for my space, a group of rocks that provide cover and some heat for the chill the night brings. Chit Sang is already leaning , almost asleep, against a small pillar there, and he relaxes a bit more once I settle on the ground not even a few feet away from him. I tiredly make sure my swords are close in case of attack, and close my eyes, letting his soothing presence and the best of his fire send me to sleep.

I jerk awake when I sense danger, yanking my swords out in one smooth move, without separating them. I open my eyes and see an unknown person at the other end of my sword. 

"Who are you?"

I glance at Chit Sang and find him looking at the intruder through narrowed slits. His hand is glowing a little, meaning he's prepared to fight. I turn back to the intruder and dodge a knife, jumping back. I hope Toph wakes up, we could use some help. I can see a liquid on the knifes this person is using, some being thrown,some cutting through the air, but all throwing the liquid at us.

I block a knife and attempt to cut them, but they duck under and into my range, a knife heading towards my gut. I feel a spark of fear, and then a rush of anger, neither mine, before something hits the intruder, who I'm beginning to believe is an assassin, and knocks them back, the knife clattering to the floor in the sudden silence. A rush of relief, both mine and not, floods my system and I almost collapse, except for Chit Sang's steady hands on my shoulder. God, this is going to take some getting used to. But, we only get this in sync during battle, for good reasons. 

"Thanks, Toph. Nice hit."

"You're welcome, Sparky. Now, who do we have here? Lovely clothing, obviously nervous, obviously also very determined to finish their job. Man, what was your job?"

"W...why should I tell you?"

"Because I'm an earthbender and I can easily crush you where you lay? Because I asked and I'm tired and you don't want to mess with me when I'm tired, because I become less forgiving and more bitter. Just answer the question, you ignorant, self-centered, sleep stealing jerk!!"

Her voice rings off the stones, and I try to stifle a laugh,but then a get a surge of amusement from Sang and I just let go, laughing at the look on the poor intruder's face, he's trembling in his boots, his armor literally shaking a little, he's so scared. 

"I was sent to assassinate Prince Zuko! That's all, I promise!"

She nods and then sends him flying off the edge and into the water she knows is below. We all lie down again, this time Toph staying with us, muttering about 'stupid no good, lowlife, princes' who can't keep their assassinations until the morning like other normal people, and let everybody else sleep'. I grin and settle down again.

Time skip, after the end of Avatar, the Last Airbender

I grin and turn to look at the men and women before me, rising slowly from my throne. Chit Sang rushes forward and steadies me, since he can feel my slower heartbeat. I yawn, before trying to wake myself. The people before me look amused and I can't bother hiding the gin on my face.

"I know I don't look like much right now, nor have I looked like much in the last few days, but I am ready to accept your fire, if you're willing to offer it, or anything you think can substitute your fire, if you are not a firebender."

All of them come forward, and I blink in surprise, I expected a few to back out, at least. However, I offer them a genuine smile. I take everything they offer, fire or coin or necklace or anything that isn't too important to their family in a whole. It's refreshing and as soon as everything's done I smile and close my eyes, focusing on all the fire pulses I can feel. I yawn and smile when I see a concerned glances from all of them, their gifts tying them to me, fire or otherwise. 

"Offense intended, but sir, you look like crap. Go lay down."

I smile at the young woman, who's obviously only a few years older than me, before nodding. I let Chit Sang lower me to the floor and sigh in relief, glad to be off my feet. I lean against the throne, my eyes slowly slipping close as the sound of soft voices, insubordination and laughs surround me, all of these people planning on doing nothing but make sure I am safe. Maybe having a home is something more than can be explained, yeah?

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