23- home

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Zuko pov

I had never had a home, not since my mother had left the palace and never been seen again. Uncle almost made the ship home, but something still felt missing and I rebuffed him too often to make that a warm, happy place. I really wished I had thought through what I was doing,  add the ship my home instead of becoming obsessed, but this works just as well. 

The others, they're all gathered around the fire, Chit Sang and Hakoda retelling what happened or why they were in the prison to begin with. I admit, I'm not really listening, still trying to figure out where Uncle may be, and if he's thinking about me. I did so many things to him, yet he continued to help me. I don't understand how he could. 

"...41st regiment."

I immediately stiffen and barely manage to keep myself from looking at anyone around the fire, but I know Toph saw, because her eyes are burning a hole into my head, sight or no. I wince and go to get up, preparing to give a reason and then head to bed, when she calls me out on it. 

"Sunshine, what are you so tense? Get over here and join us, so we can all hear this."

I wince, I had hoped she wouldn't say anything, but I guess luck isn't on my side. It never really has been. I heave a sigh and start towards them, ready to give single word answers and nothing more, when Chit Sang turns to look at me. I stare back steadily, before settling next to Toph. 

"My Prince, they do not know?"

"No. I saw no reason to tell them. It never came up and it doesn't matter now..mostly."

Everyone looks curious, but I don't continue, waiting for the next thing he says. I'm expecting a "why would you do that?" or a "stupid brat, you deserved it".

"I was the commander of the 41 regiment, Sir."

I freeze and look away. I had known he at least knew something about it but to be a part of it, to be leading it, without a way to get out, knowing you're leading your soldiers to death? Guilt weighs down on my shoulders and I feel them slump under the weight.

"I'm sorry.. it wasn't enough... I don't think it ever would be... I'm sorry for the men you lost..."

"On the contrary, we lost maybe 10 of our 40 men, most were disabled or injured in such a way they could not return. But, My Prince, we fought, because we knew what you had done. We fought, for you, for your throne and your heart. Many of us wished for the opportunity to thank you."

He gets up and kneels before me, reaching for my hand. I hesitate, but give it to him, and he nods, before resting his forehead on it. I blink in surprise, I had seen this ceremony done a few times, but never had anyone ever wanted to do it with me. I open my mouth to make sure he's ok with this, and if he's sure he honestly wants to be stuck with me.

"I swear my life, and the lives of my men, under the protection of Prince Zuko, along with offer him our selves in exchange. We protect him and he gives us home, food maybe even lets us see our families. My men and I, we will serve for Our Prince, as long as he is alive, and until the day we die. Prince, will you accept this?"

I blink, there were so many terms, but each was only for the benefit of his men, or me. I lean forward and rest my head on his, closing my eyes.

"I do. I will give you home, and food, and I will let you family live as close as possible, to make sure you are happy, and not serving and tense 24/7. I will make sure everyone is treated equally, no commander or leader, unless in case of emergency. Are these ok with you?"

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