Escape (rescue mission pt.2)

Start from the beginning

You watched him quietly, waiting for the elevator to arrive. Your eyes didn't leave his frame, studying his face. His eyes. Those blue eyes...they did remind you of Eli's how intense they were. Always some emotion in them that you could never read.

"Something wrong?" He asked, his gaze turning towards you. Staring right into your (e/c) orbs.

" nothings wrong. Just...thinking." You stammered.

The elevator dinged, notifying you it had arrived. Metal doors sliding open, you both stepped inside. The man beside you pressed the button for the basement. Then looked up, scanning the ceiling.

"No cameras..."

"That's odd..."

He leaned back against the elevator wall across from you, your hands gripping the railing.
Elevators were never your favorite, neither was heights. You were always afraid of falling. Especially in a closed space.

One of your legs bounced as you stared at the floor. Counting to ten, then eyeing the second pair of boots belonging Snake.


"You can tell...?"

"It's not that difficult, you don't like heights, right?"

Your head nodded as you looked up to him. "Never was a fan, even though I grew up on this base. High above the ocean."

It was his turn to nod, his eyes flickered from you to the floor. His lips pursing together, he looked perplex. Like something was eating at him.

Once the elevator dinged again you both exited the elevator.

"No ones here..?" You asked allowed. Either their security really sucked or they were preparing something.

"Stay on your toes." He said, walking around slowly. It was a large garage like area. Two large tanks, a few trucks. There was another door at the end of the room. Curious to where it lead you walked over quickly.

"Hey...I think I found a way..."

"You did? What is it?" He jogged over to you, away from one of the trucks. It looked like he was debating on breaking into it.

Through the door's small window was a jet ski. Sitting on this dirt patch by a platform.

"I don't know how to work one of those though..." you muttered, covering your face turning from the door.

"I do, we just need the key."

You looked up, sighing in relief. Then glanced around the basement. There were many vehicles here, the keys must be here too. You took one side of the room, snake taking the other.


Uh oh...

You glanced over, where the hell did he go!? The blonde was no where in sight. Did he leave you? why would he?

"Malid are you serious!?" A older man yelled, the guard from before was suddenly pushed out from the elevator.

"I'm sorry sir..! I did-I didn't mean for-"

Bang! "Cut the excuses! All you had to do was watch him, but no~! You had to let him go!"

"I—I didn't...-"


This poor guy...he must be new. Here he was being pushed around by everyone. You slowly inched around from behind the truck you were hiding by.

It was only these two, you could handle this no problem.


"Looks like we have a snoop Sir." A rough gravely voice called out.

The barrel was pressed against the back of your head, hands slowly raised as you stood.

"Ah...your the one Sami was talking about. Sneaking around in the stair well."

The guard behind you pushed you forward, your footing slipped causing the boss to slap you with his gun. Knocking you to the ground.
He knelt by your face, grabbing a handful of your hair, yanking you up slightly.
"What are you doing here?"

You didn't say anything, only winced as his gun was shoved under your chin.

"Say something!"

Your eyes narrowed slightly as you looked at him, he slammed your head to the ground then stood up. Kicking you as he straightened his back. A sharp yelp coming out. Instantly you hugged your frame. Trying to sooth the assaulted area.

"Boss behi-"
Bang! Bang! Bang!

Your head lifted slightly seeing four bodies on the pavement. Brown boots clicking as the approached your frame. Kneeling down bare arms pulled you up.

"Eli..?" You gasped, looking up. Your eyes adjusting slightly seeing the familiar blue eyes.

"So you do remember me." He said softly, lifting you from the ground. Your feet returned to the floor, hands placed on his shoulders. Steadying yourself.

"I was worried you'd forgotten who I was (y/n) "

"N-no—no...I didn't forget-I'm so sorry I didn't realize sooner." You muttered rubbing your eyes. Looking at the male.
His eyes were soft as they watched you.

"Why? H-how'd you get captured?"

"I was doing research of my own-about my father—my heritage of sorts, one thing lead to another. Well, lets say I got sloppy."

"You? Sloppy?" You asked, his hand on the small of your back. Easing you to the exist. Not realizing he had the key in his other hand.

"I'll tell you more later, was rough."

Your brows furrowed, becoming worried. Rough? What did he mean? What did he find out...?

The two of you set the jet ski up, once it was set in the water. He hopped on, starting the engine up. He looked up to you on the platform.

"Come now, don't tell me that's to high for you?"

You shook your head with a laugh, jumping down onto the seat. Settling beside the shirtless blonde.

Some water splashing up as you landed.

"Easy now, I'm fragile!"

"Eli your far from fragile..."

"That hurts (y/n) I'm very sensitive~" He said with a laugh. Revving the engine for a moment then glanced over.
"Hold on, I don't need you falling off and get separated for another 15 years."

You laughed, allowing your arms to wrap around his waist. Pulling yourself closer. Cheek pressed against his shoulder blade. Enjoying the warmth his body radiated.

After a moment the engine roared as the ski speed off on the waves. The base disappearing in minutes.

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