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Our father's funeral happened that Friday like our Mom said it would be. Our father had left it said that when he died, no one was to cry at his funeral. Sadly that couldn't be done as I cried when I saw him in the coffin and when they showed pictures and videos of him. I hope he understands that I tried.

We held the reception for my father’s funeral at our house. It was a bit crowded in the house, way more crowded than it was when we had the get-together for Namjoon, Jimin and Jin’s surprise. A lot of people Dawon and I didn’t really know where there. They knew us though, they said our father spoke a great deal about his family at work.

Our mom teared up a bit when some of his childhood friends shared stories about him to us.

I offered to get her some water but she told me no and told Dawon and I to pass out some drink to the guests.

“Do we give them water? We have orange juice but it’s not very appropriate for the occasion.” I asked Dawon as she took out some clear plastic cups from the pantry.

“I’m not sure, but to be safe lets just give out water.” Dawon answered as she set up the cups so I could pour the water into them.

I nodded my head in agreement and started to pour the water into the cups. We remained quiet in there as we prepared the drinks for the guest that we didn’t even notice Yoongi standing at the doorway until he cleared his throat.

“Hi.” He said as he stepped into the kitchen holding a large container of food which I could only assume was for our family.

I smiled at him and replied with a small ‘hi’ before going back to pouring the water into the cups.

“I’ll take that,” Dawon said as she reached for the container that Yoongi was holding. He handed it to her and she placed it in the fridge. That was probably going to be our dinner for later.

“I made it for you guys. My mother helped me, it's her special recipe and I figured it's better to ask her how to make it while she was visiting before she leaves again.” Yoongi said as he grabbed two cups from the table. “Do you guys need help passing these out?”

“Yeah, there's a lot of people here and only two Jung siblings.” Dawon said as she took out the trays we used to pass drinks out.

Yoongi smiled and helped Dawon place the drinks on the trays. There was only three trays so it didn't take long.

“You two go pass them out. I'll stay here in case more water is needed.” Dawon said taking the water pitcher from me and pointing to one of the trays that had the water.

Yoongi and I grabbed a tray each and walked out the kitchen to start handing out the drinks. Before we entered the living room though, Yoongi cleared his throat causing me to turn around and look at him.

“Yes, Yoongi?” I said.

“Seokie, after the reception, if your mother lets you, can we go for a walk? I want to tell you something.” He said looking at me.

“I’ll ask her and I’ll tell you what she says as soon as I can.” I said giving him a little smile.

“Ok,” He said smiling back at me. “I’ll see you later then.”

We looked at each other a bit more before finally stepping into the living room to give out the drinks.


I told my mom about taking a walk with Yoongi after the reception when I went to give her her water. She smiled softly and said, “Of course Hoseokie, but don’t be out for too long or go too far.”

♡The Small Things||YOONSEOK♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora