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I woke up the next morning to Dawon shaking me. “Hoseokie, Hoseokie get up please. Mom said get up and get ready, we’re going somewhere.”

“But it’s so early Dawon, and I’m sleepy.” I said whining and trying to push her away from me. She let out a sigh at my stubbornness before pulling me out of bed.

“I know Hoseok, I’m sleepy too but mom said it’s urgent. She won’t tell me what it is but she said to get ready and to wake you up.” Dawon said patting my head.

“Ok, I’ll get ready then.” I said walking into my bathroom. Dawon replied with an ‘ok’ before leaving my room.

I got ready as fast as I possibly could. When our mother says to get ready fast, she means fast. I figured wherever we were heading to we would be there for a while so I grabbed a random bag I had laying around and put my homework in there as well as some other small things I knew I would need.

There was a knock at my door and my mother spoke up. “Hobi sweetie, are you ready?”

“Yes mom, I’m coming out now.” I said opening my bedroom door. She stood there and looked at me for a moment before pulling me into a hug which caught me by surprise. We pulled away after a bit and she smiled at me before patting my head just like Dawon had done earlier.

“Let’s go then, your sister already called a cab.” She said. I followed her down the stairs and out the house. Dawon was already outside the house waiting for us. It didn’t take long fo the cab to get here. When we were all inside the cab and seated, the driver asked where we were going.

“The hospital.” Our mom responded. Dawon and I turned to look at her but she kept her gaze straight forward. I guess she’s not going to tell us anything until we’re at the hospital.

She did explain everything to us when we got there, but she did it when we were inside the hospital and standing in front of the room our father was currently in. The room our father was currently dying in.

“They said he wasn’t doing very good but that if he stayed here for a day or two more there was a chance he could get better. They called this morning however and said that his condition got worse. There isn’t much they can do to save him now.” Our mother said. I could tell she wanted to cry but she wouldn’t. She never cries in front of us, no matter how sad she was, she wouldn’t let a single tear drop if we were in the same room as her.

“Can we talk to him?” Dawon asked. My mother nodded and quickly excused herself to the bathroom. Dawon and I looked at each other for a second before she went in our father’s hospital room first to talk to him.

She stayed in there for a bit and I couldn’t blame her, this could be the last time we saw our father. My mother came back from the bathroom and stood next to me.

“She’s still in there?” She asked me. I nodded and I suddenly had the urge to cry. My dad was about to die. My mother noticed the sudden drop in my mood and quickly pulled me into a hug.

“Don’t cry Hobi, I know you’re sad but we have to be strong, ok? Your dad would want for us to be strong.” She said into my ear as I bawled my eyes out.

Suddenly the door opened and Dawon walked out. As soon as she saw us she started crying and hugged us. We stayed like that for a bit until my mother told me to go talk to my dad. I composed myself before entering the room not wanting to upset my dad with my sad mood.

When I waked in he was watching TV but he looked over at me when he heard me come in and smiled, I smiled back and closed the door. I walked towards him and sat down on the seat next to his bed.

♡The Small Things||YOONSEOK♡Where stories live. Discover now