Chapter 7: March 4, 2019

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His anger was displayed right now in the ring the more he spoke. 

"Wow, I thought he was supposed to keep it in check tonight," Seth said as he came up beside you. 

"Yeah, he doesn't do that well when things get personal. This is as about as personal as it gets." 

"I have some things to do, but I wanted to see how you are. Everything going okay?" He asks, looking at you nicely. It was a look you had missed in his eyes over the past few weeks. 

"Yeah,"  you say and lean into him. "Everything is going good for once." You both half-heartedly laugh. 

Hunter storms out of the ring. "I gotta go. I have an announcement to make." 

Seth pecks your cheek quickly as you walk out to the ring. The show is on commercial break, but you walk out to the ring to entertain until you are back on the air. 

The entire Universe cheers as you talk about the almost reunion earlier in the show. 

Michael Cole introduces that you are in the ring to make an announcement which signals that you are back on the air. 

"I'll make this short and sweet." You say looking into the camera. "I can't control a lot of things. Dean Ambrose's attitude and actions being one of those things. However, I can make matches. Therefore, Ambrose, listen up. You will be taking on Elias one on one tonight. But for now, Stephanie and I have talked and we decided that we will give Heavy Machinery the match they asked for. Come on out boys! You will be running the gauntlet of tag teams tonight." 

Your music hits and you walk to the back as tag teams begin coming out and surrounding the ring. 

8:45 PM

You stood backstage with your arms crossed as Seth and Roman attempted to talk Dean into rejoining The Shield. Dean's music hit and he began walking up the steps through the crowd when Drew McIntyre, Baron Corbin, and Bobby Lashley walked down the ramp talking about how pathetic Roman and Seth are. They made it to the ring. Seth and Roman were proactive about jumping then, but they were outnumbered. 

Dean was going crazy on the steps and the whole crowd was chanting "Shield". You were absently tapping your fingers on your arm to the beat of their chant. Before you could blink Dean was running back to the ring. The Shield cleared the ring and Seth and Roman put their fists together and waited for Dean to do the same. Dean, after a dramatic length of time frantically pacing back and forth complied. 

Baron, Lashley, and Drew were back on the stage now when your music hit. The three turned around to watch you skeptically. The boys in the ring looked to you with grins on each of their faces. Seth moved closer to the ropes and looked at you intently as though he was waiting for one of the men on the ramp to move closer to you. You knew he would be up to you in seconds if they did. Scripted or not Seth didn't give any of his opponents an inch when it came to you. 

You walked to the end of the ramp so that you were between the three on the stage and your teammates that were in the ring. You hold the microphone up to your lips. 

"As I said earlier, I can't control a lot of things, but I can make matches. You three," you turn toward the stage, "think you are big and bad enough to be the "new" Shield. Then I'm going to give you the chance to prove just that. At Fastlane." The Shield celebrates behind you. The three men on the stage seem worried but hyped. "Corbin, Lashley, McIntyre you will be facing The Shield in a six-man tag match this Sunday on WWE Fastlane." 

The entire crowd went crazy as Seth motioned for you to join him in the ring. You put your fist in with the boys as your music hits again. 


Roman and Dean break away from you and Seth once you are behind the curtain. 

"Well, in Roman's words," Seth beings. "The band is back together." 

"We are." 

"One step closer to your match at Mania," Seth tells you. 

"Yep, I have a couple of ideas of how I'm going to get there, but to be continued I guess." You smirk at Seth who kisses you briefly. 

"You are a badass." He says. 

"You have a nice ass." You smirk again and he rolls his eyes at you but blushes anyway. "I love you." You say. 

"I love you too." 

"I have to go have a serious talk with Becky Lynch about not effing up her Hold Harmless Agreement signing." 

Seth laughed, "Yeah, good luck." 

"I'm going to need it." You laugh too. "I'm riding with you tonight so don't leave me." You say knowing that Dean and Roman are getting ready to head back to their hotel. 

"I would never." He smirks over his shoulder as he walks away. You make a show of checking out his butt as he walks away. "I love you." 

Road to Wrestlemania 2019: You and Seth RollinsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang