A Gallahger and a Hargreeves

Start from the beginning

Me: 😒 You really know how to tug on my heart strings, Mike. Okay, but I expect to get paid double for this.

Manager: Of course! Thank you Ray, you really are a Ray of sunshine 😘😃

Me: How original 🙄

Manager: I know. Oh and his name is Klaus btw.

Me: Thanks, that's an important bit of info I needed.

Ray walked downstairs to see everyone including her Abuela at the table already. Ray sat down and started munching on some toast.

"So confiscated any fun drugs from some weirdos that I can sell?" Lip, her half brother asked.

"No." She replied dryly.

"No to not confiscating any drugs, or no to me selling any..?" He poked her cheek with toast hanging out of his mouth.

"Oh hush nieto, let the poor girl eat." (Nieto- Grandson) Even though her Abuela was only her grandma, the whole family treated her as their grandma too. After she started getting too old they had her come live with them because family sticks together.

"Okay, okay. You know I'm surprised with who our father is that you'd really want to hang out with more people just like him." Lip commented.

"No ones quite like Frank, you should know that Lip." Fiona said as she walked by with Liam.

"I feel like you're trying to annoy me this morning.." Ray muttered

"Love you too." Lip mad a kissy face at her. Ian walked in then.

"From the look on your face Ray, it seems like you're annoyed."

"Wow, what an educated guess Ian. If only Lip could be as smart." After saying this Ray shovelled some eggs in her mouth and then downed a glass of orange juice and stood up. "I'm leaving, whoever needs a ride to school or wherever, come on."

"Mi amor, ¿tienes tu pistola en ti?" (My love, do you have your pistol on you?)

"Sí abuela, siempre lo tengo conmigo. Me preguntas cada vez que me vaya si lo hago." (Yes Grandma, I always have it on me. You ask me every time I leave if I do."

"Sé que sé. Solo me preocupo por ti, trabajando con todos esos locos todo el tiempo. Sabes que nunca estuve de acuerdo con el estilo de vida de tu madre o sus elecciones antes de morir, pero me alegro de que te haya entrenado como lo hizo de otra manera. Siempre me volvería loco. Me pregunto si vas a volver a casa." (I know, I know. I just worry about you, working with all those crazy people all the time. You know I never agreed with your mothers life style or her choices leading up to her death but I am glad she trained you like she did otherwise I'd be a crazy mess all the time wondering if you're going to come home.)

Ray rolled her eyes. "You're like a repeating record, I've heard this a million times." She muttered in English. Ray turned around and started walking towards the door, Lip trailing behind her as well as Debbie who had been sitting in the couch watching tv. "Carl, aren't you coming?" Ray asked.

"Suspended." Fiona answered for him.

"Oooof course. And Ian?"

The More  𝓕𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓭 𝓾𝓹 You Are, The More I like You (Klaus Hargreeves)Where stories live. Discover now