Alternate Thanos Fight Scene

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(A/N: Inspired by an imagine a friend of mine on tumblr did- this is my take on it.)

Loki gasped as I writhed in Thanos's grasp.
Thanos only laughed
"You'll what... kill me??? If you could do it you'd have done it years ago. You're nothing... your own birth father cast you out on a frozen rock!"
"That doesn't matter now!!!" Loki shouted,
"Now be a good boy and put the blaster down... and maybe I'll spare her life... if you beg."

"No! No Loki don't do it!!! You have to save the others! Forget about me!!!" I gasped, but he set the gun down, and kneeled before Thanos. Thanos chuckled,
"That's more like it... now what to do...?"
I knew too well he was gonna kill one of us, if not both, but if I were to live and he die for my sake, I couldn't live anymore.
Think! Think!!! What would Loki do in a situation like this?!?
Well apparently grovel.
Shut up! He's gonna kill-
Wait. That's it!

The one thing that always gets him out of trouble!!!!!
I closed my eyes, and I went limp in Thanos's grasp, my head hanging over the side of Thanos's hand in an awkward angle... I thought I was painfully obvious... But Thanos didn't seem to catch on.

"NO!!!!!" Loki roared, Thanos dropped me and on the way to the ground I winced slightly as my hip hit a rock but Loki and Thanos didn't seem to notice and Loki rushed to my side, shaking my shoulders, but I resisted- no matter how much it hurt both of us, it had to work!
"Please wake up! Please! Please!! PLEASE!!!!!!" He shouted, but I wouldn't move an inch.
I felt him grow still, as the rage built up,
I could almost hear the smirk as Thanos said to his minions-
"Finish him off."

And we were surrounded, from what I could hear there were about 20 here, Loki fought hard, with some daggers he pulled out, but from his gasping for breath I knew he was slowing down.
Then he seemed to stop altogether.
I cracked my eyes open just a tiny bit and almost gasped.
He had given up.
He was kneeling, his head covered by his arms, shaking, his breath shaking as much as his body was.
What was going on...?
It was then I realized...
He wasn't gonna fight anymore.
He was wanting to die...
So he could join me in Valhalla...

Because now that he finally found someone who loved him, besides his brother and mother anyways, he couldn't bear it anymore. He was ready to throw his life away. And I wasn't going to have it.

But I had to wait until Thanos started gloating.
That's when he let his guard down.
And sure enough he bent down to stare at Loki with a toothy grin, and a laugh,
"Any last words...?"
I leaped, and grabbed one of the daggers Loki dropped beside him when he collapsed, and leaped onto Thanos's back!
"Long live the king!!!" I growled as I slit Thanos's throat. He collapsed on the ground with a loud thud.
And it was all over.
Loki looked up eyes wide, and gasped.
I hopped down off Thanos's back, arms wide,
"Hello sweetie..." I teased, quoting our new favorite tv show, Doctor who.
He then rushed at me, knocking me over and showering me with kisses.
"Norns!" He cried, tears rolling down his face as he kissed me everywhere his lips could reach considering how tight he held me close to him.
"Now you understand how Thor felt huh?" I teased
"Don't EVER do that again!!!!!" He growled, and I giggled,
"Yes sir."
I could feel him get slightly aroused when I said that, and smirked, we couldn't exactly leave to go have sex,
Making out there on the ground would have to do for now.
But it was amazing.

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