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zachs pov

'make me.' 

all of a sudden he slams his lips on my mouth. what the fuck? he lets go of my neck and continues to make out with me. i am baffeled by this new level of intimacy. i thought he hated gays? why the fúc would he kiss me? 

he slowly takes his lips off mine and sits beside me on the couch.

'uhhm.. what was that all about?' i asks him while uncomfortably shifting on the seat.

'i uhh might have something to figure out.' he says and looks at me with a worried expression on his face. 'im sorry.'

'thats okay, but ehh, i thought you hated gays? why would you kiss me?' i ask confused.

'uhm zach, i have something to tell you. i think im gay.' he says with the most scared look on his face.

'dude what?!' i say as i stand up in anger. 'you have to jack out of that prison place! this is all your fault! what the fuck is wrong with you?'

'i dont know dude. look, im really sorry. i may have acted out on jack and you in a way to act out on myself. can you forgive me? im so sorry.'

'not untill you bail jack out of that fuckin place. he said on the phone he is going crazy in there! how could you do this to him?' 

'im really sorry zach, i just didnt know what to do. lets get him out of there.' he says while grabbing his car keys and dragging me by the arm to his car. 'what have i done.


we run up to the front desk and meet a young lady whose name tag says christina. 

'hi uhh we are here to see jack avery?'jonah says as we nervously look around. 

'sorry sir, jack is not seeing any visitors at the moment.' she replies with a smile. how could she be so happy about basically torturing him? i miss him so much, oh god.

'well we want to bail him out actually. we know this isnt jail, but with the right amount of money, you will let him go right?' he asks.

'that'll be 10 000 dollars sir. no returns.' 

jonah takes a few big stacks of money out of his pockets that i didnt even know he had in there.

'jonah what the fuck?' i whisper to him. 'where did you get that money?'

'no time time for guestions.' he awnsers as he hands the stacks to the lady. she then puts it under her desk and gets up to escort us to his cell. yes. this is what ive been waiting for. finally i get to see him again. ive missed him so much. 

when we reach room 137 she takes out a big key and sticks in in the lock. she unlocks the door and turns the handle. my chest is screaming as i cant wait to see him. when she opens the door, jack is sitting on the bed with a knife to his throat?! 

i shove the nice lady aside and attack jack on the bed. i yank the knife away and throw it across the room. 'ow' i hear someone say, but thats not my buisiness. i straddle him with my legs and squeeze him in the longest hug ever. 

i feel jonah sit on the bed behind me. i pull away from jack and say: 'jack, why?' 

'honestly zach, i hate it here.' he replies with a snicker. i cant laugh at that right now so i just hug him again. 

we walk outside and im piggy backing jack. its so nice to see him smile again, even to see him again. the car ride home is filled  with kisses, questions, and awnsers. i missed him so much. we explaint he whole jonah beong gay as weel situation and him bailing jack out. 

'god ive missed you guys. especially you zach.' he says as he lays his head in my lap. 'what do you guys think corbyn and daniel are up to?'

'i dont know, the last time i saw corbyn was when you guys stormed out. and the last time i saw daniel was also six months ago.' i reply

'lets go visit those crazy kids!' jonah says as he speeds up. i look out my window. life could not get better than that moment. 


shortly after that we all got back together again as a band. jonah started dating daniel and i set corbyn up with christina. we decide to form a band and make music, as we all loved to sing. we got bigger and bigger and are even touring the world now. 

and thats the story of how why dont we was formed.

a/n lol i didnt know how to end it but i guess now this short lil fic is done! i hope you all liked it, this is my first finished fic! make sure to check out my other books as well if you liked this one! it would mean alot to me! byeee crazy kiddos <3

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