Chapter Five: The Trip Day 2

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(Play song when I say)

Courtney's pov

I woke up seeing Emily laying there playing with her fingers I smiled as I placed my hand on her head and started playing with her hair "Morning cupcake"

She shot her head up in surprise and then I saw her face turn like a strawberry "Morning" she smiled and she saw me smiling

"How you feeling?" I asked as she looked back down "Hey I want to help"

"No one can help" she said which confused me a little surely someone could.

"Talk to me then maybe I can" she took her time but finally sat up and looked at me, I sat up too as I knew she was going to tell me.

"It's my dad, he...he abuses me, that black eye it was him whose gave it to me and he's done worse" she paused with tears filling her eyes I held her hand to comfort her " but you can't tell anyone" she burst out crying

I pulled her into a tight hug "But we have to tell someone you can't keep living like this, what about your mum?" I asked nervously but what she told me next was unexpected

"He...he killed h..herr" my mouth widened I didn't know what to do.

"Omg, that's an even bigger reason to tell someone Cupcake" I said trying to figure out what to do. "You know what when we go back you ain't living there no more"

She looked up at me her eyeswere bloodshot from the crying "Where will I go?"

"You'll live with me, I promise things will get better" I tried to reassure her that things are gonna be okay but I wasn't so sure if my friends would accept her.

Emily's pov

Courtney went to shower after we had that talk, it kinda felt good to finally tell someone especially as that someone listened to me, gave me advice and made me feel like telling them was a good idea.

I was laying in bed reading when Courtney walked out "Hey I'm done you can go now"

With that I stood up and got my shower stuff and went to the bathroom smiling to Courtney she smiled back.

I stepped into the shower letting the water run down my body, my thoughts wondered of to that moment when my mum shouted to run as fast as I could but I was so scared I couldn't move and then. BOOM! My father started throwing punches towards her until she fell unconscious and never woke up.

I felt tears falling down my face as I felt my legs go weaker and weaker by the second until I collapsed breathing became a struggle until I felt myself being pulled out of the bath tub and into a towel, then got picked up and carried to the bedroom and held tight in a hug "shh shh" they said I couldn't make out who it was but their voice helped me calm down, I cuddled into their chest only to realise it was Courtney, I knew her perfume by now and it just knew it was her. I let myself lay in her embrace for a while.

I finally pulled away to look her in the eyes they were full of worry. "Sorry" I apologised

She smiled "You need to stop apologising, it's not your fault that's one and two it's okay" I smiled back

"Come on, lets get going before we are late" Courtney commanded I stood up realising I was still in only a towel I felt my face heat up instantly.

Courtney's pov

Me and Emily were walking together towards Kyle who was impatiently waiting for me, I didn't know how he would react to Emily being around us but I wasn't going to let him push her away from me. Him and Kirsty were kinda like that they didn't like new people especially people who were not popular like us.

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