Chapter Four: The Trip;Day 1

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Picture of Cabin

Emily's pov

We were leaving 4:30 to arrive there at 7:40.

I was looking fora quiet spot to sit in. Aha found one right in the back in the corner my favourite.

The journey was alright everyone was so tired that everyone was sleeping luckily no one sat next to me.

I was looking out the window thinking of my father, I still had nightmares of him mum. Tears filled my eyes and I shot my head as someone sat next to me. was Courtney I quickly wiped the tears that fell down my cheek.

"Hey, is everything alright?" She asked quietly

"Yea I just got lost in thought " I whispered and half smiled "How are you"

"I'm good, just bored Kyle fell asleep and I saw you on your own and not sleeping so I thought i would come to you" she answered

We finally arrived and everyone was getting off and getting their things.

"GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! I would like to announce that you will be sharing a little cabin apartment there will be two beds" The woman said and everyone cheered "You may pick your partners but you both have to be the same sex" and everyone huffed and puffed.

I was getting my things "Hey Em, do you wanna share with me?" Courtney asked.

I turned around to face her "Yea sure"

Later on when everyone was settled I was lying down in my bed as Courtney walked out of the shower in only a towel, I felt my face grow warmer and warmer at the sight of her.

She looked over at me "Sorry, I forgot my stuff" and she smiled, I nodded and replaced my eyes on the book even though for some reason I was so tempted to look over at her again.

When Courtney walked about out of the bathroom she was changed, her hair styled and she had put a little make up on; she looked stunning.

I realised I was staring when she said "Everything okay?" With a smile

"I...Er.." I didn't know what to do

She chuckled "I don't bite, if I did I would have already bit"

We both laughed and I said "it's just you look really nice"

She laughed again "Me? I don't but thanks, aren't you getting ready?"

I smiled and the asked "For what?"

"The dinner, you know Miss Kennedy was talking about how at 5:30pm to meet her in the main quad area cause we going to get dinner" Courtney explained.

"I'm not that hungry I think I'll just stay here and carry on reading"

"You sure? I'll bring you something if you want"

"Thank you" I smiled as saying that and she walked out the room shouting bye.

I must have fell asleep as when I woke up Courtney was laying in the other bed on her phone, she looked up "Hey sleepyhead" she chuckled

"Hey" I said back sleepily.

"I got you some pizza and a cupcake, and if you want we can share a bottle of coke" she explained

"Thank you" I said sitting up

"Come on lets go down stairs you may be starving" she commanded

"Alright" I said as we both stood up and went down stairs.

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