Chapter Three: No money

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I woke up the next morning to my father I shouting something but I soon found out it was not to me but someone through the phone.

All I heard was "Fuck Of!" And him then slamming something against the wall,I think it was his fists. Next I heard the front door open and slam which gave me a heart attack (Not literally).

At least I'd have time to get ready today without being beat. I walked to my desk to see that the black eye is still there so I sighed but sat down to cover it up, I got dressed and went to work.


After work I walked to collage I had a good half hour spear cause Lucas let me out early.

As I was going to walk through the double doors from the library I heard someone call my name.


I turned around I saw no one else but Courtney.

"Hey" I said

"Hi, I came here to ask if you were coming to the trip Friday?" She said kinda excited

"Err no" I said and her excitement went.

"Oh why?"

"I...i" I couldn't say it i didn't want her to think I'm poor which I am.

"Come on you can tell me, I won't judge you" She comforted me

"I don't have enough money" I said looking down

"Oh" She said we both fell silent until "How much do you need?" I looked up at her

"£100 more" my face fell back down

I felt her place her fingers on my chin to lift my head up; for some odd reason I wanted to close the space between us.

After just looking at each other she said "I can lend you the £100, if you want to?"

"Oh no I couldn't" I answered

"That was not the question let me ask a different way. Do you want to go?" She asked, it looked like she wanted me to say yes so I did

"Well yea, but I" I said as I got cut of

"No buts, meet me in the parking lot at lunch" with that she walked of of course waving bye.

I kinda started to get this feeling but I wasn't sure what it was.

At lunch I rushed out to the parking lot to only see Courtney smoking by her car, I walked over and she smiled as she threw the cigarette out.

She motioned to get in the car, so I did. She started the engine and we both felt silent.

It looked like she was deep in thought about something but I felt like it wasn't my place to ask.

We arrived at the nearest shop that had a cash machine. "Wait here,I'll be back in a few minutes"

I just smiled, my thoughts wondered off as I looked out the window.

Hmm, I really wanna know why she's like this but I just can't figure it out.

I got snapped outta my thoughts as the door slammed shut.

I heard a light chuckle coming from Courtney "Sorry did I scare you, I didn't mean to"

"It's okay" I said smiling

"Here" she gave me the money.

"Thank you, if not you" I started

"I know just don't think you gotta give it back anytime soon." I had a slight confused face "What I mean is you don't have to give the money back"

"Oh no I will" I said then mumbled "if I'll still be alive"

"What?" Courtney asked me

"Nothing nothing" I answered scared that she heard the last part I said.


The day flew by quite quickly

I came home to see my father still not being in the house. I hoped and prayed to got he wouldn't catch me.

I packed my things already even though I still had like 2 more days.

The 2 days flew by quickly as well me and Courtney spoke here and there.


Like I said this Chapter is shorter but is purely because the next may be quite long.

Hope you enjoyed ❤️

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