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Loki sends a devilish smile towards Odin, "What, does the almighty Allfather once again require a scapegoat?" The shapeshifter leaned against one of the shelves and crossed his arms.

Taking a seat, Odin gestured for Loki to do the same. Shaking his head the younger god refused the courtsey, inciting growls from the two wolves.

"Silence, Geri, Freki. Loki is within his right to remain standing," Odin snaps.

"Oh so now you stand up for my rights?" Loki remarks with distain, "Something absolutely dreadful must be threatening Asgard this time."

"Observant as always."

Disgusted Loki turns away.

"One of my son's imprisioned, one banished to the sea, and another made to slaughter his twin while my daughter is confined to the pits of Hel," he paused before facing Odin once again, "and you have the audacity to ask for my skills?"

Odin sighed and placed a wrinkled hand over his forehead, "It it urgent, Loki. The true Ragnarok us upon us. Worse than the myths created by the mortals."

Gritting his teeth, Loki thought back to how the mortal legends had placed the blame of Ragnarok solely on him and his children. Evidently the old humans needed to blame earthquakes on Loki as well as all their other misfortunes.

"Oh so now I'm not the cause of Ragnarok? Splendid," the god deadpans.

"Loki we need your help, for compensation your banishment on Midgard will be lifted. Do we have a deal?"

"If I decline?" It was a quick response, "It would not be in your best interest."

Knowing the implications of refusing this offer Loki concedes "with one condition."

"State it."

"The freedom of my children and protection for them."

"Consider it done upon Asgards safety," Odin stands and holds out his arm to which Loki accepts. Grasping each other's lower arms, the tension rises significantly with the meaning behind their gesture. It was a symbolic checking for weapons, meant as a show of trust and sincerity between warriors.

Odin did not trust Loki, the ruler knew his blood brother was a schemer, a liar, a manipulator. On the other hand Loki too withheld his trust, for he had been witness and assistant to Odin's own manipulation. A social contract was not binding, both knew this and what they were gambling for.

A deal with the devil secured, both gods took a seat at the mahogany table to discuss the issue. That was, until a petite figured entered the study room.

Geri and Freki jumped to their feet and stalked towards the intruder with a snarl. Odin stood to his feet with hard eyes. It was only Loki who remained still, for he was looking wide-eyed at the intruder in recognition.

"Miss Faye?"

Allfather: Name of Odin.
Geri and Freki: The two gray wolves of Odin, old Norse for "the ravenous" or "greedy one."
Asgard: Eternal home of the Aesir tribe ruled by Odin.
Hel/Helheim: Underworld of the dead.
Ragnarok: Norse mythological end of times.
Midgard: "Middle world" known as earth.

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