“Oh Berith, you read my mind” My sister said smiling evilly.

“Ladies first” He said bowing they walked up to the front entrance of the club, showing their demon tattoo to the door guard they were admitted into the building. I knew I had to follow but memories of my last visit here flashed through my mind. Gabe was sure to be inside and not alone, I so didn’t want to see him with another women again. Screams and shouts from inside had me rushing through the door to see what had happened.

The place was on fire, I watched as my sister lift her arms up throwing fames  around the room. Most demons wouldn’t be bother by this as most of them have and immunity to it. But by the looks of fear on some of the people’s faces not all of them here had that ability. I stopped and wondered I f I should go back to present time and teleport here so I could try and stop my sister but chances are she would be long gone before I arrived here. Glancing around the room I tried to search for Gabe, he would surely come and try to control my sister. But I don’t think that will help. It had sounded as if my sister was not only playing me but Gabe as well. Only Gabe wasn’t aware of it.

“What the hell is going on here?” I heard Gabe yell from the floor above.

“Ah that’s our queue Gemma.” Berith said grabbing her arm and teleporting her out of the club.  I followed I was pulled along for the ride and was confused when we arrived at another restaurant. Why would they want to come to a restaurant?

“Ok sugar” Berlin said to my sister, “I promised to show you my powers are you ready for a little chaos?”

My sisters smile chilled me to the chore it was pure evil. “Show me what you’ve got!” She said clapping her hands.

Berlin walked up to a couple sitting at a table, and placed his hands on both their shoulders. The man and women looked up at him, the man obviously was about to speak but both their faces froze for a moment , then confusion crossed their face. The women’s face was the first t change from confusion to rage as she looked at the man she was eating with “I know you’re having an affair!” She said standing from her table. “Don’t tell me you’re not I saw you with her!” She said raising her voice.

“Of course I’m having an affair your nagging drives me too it!” The man said standing also.

I watched as Berith walked from table to table tapping people on the shoulder the same look crossed each person’s face before it changed to aggression and anger.

“Oh god what is he doing to them?” I whispered I pulled my attention away from Berith and looked at my sister who was smiling gleefully. This is what I had expected demons to be like when I first met them. Not the happy friendly lot they are but this……..evil. Instead the angels had been evil and the demons nice. If I didn’t know any better I would think my sister was the one who was part angel judging by the joy on her face.

The room erupted into verbal arguments, fist fights plates smashing chairs being thrown across the room. Berith had delivered what he had promised utter Chaos.

“You are amazing.” She heard Gemma say

Heaven and Hell (D.A book 2) (Onhold)Where stories live. Discover now