// Eighteen //

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Rafe - POV
I haven't slept since last night because of Katrina - she is officially married to my cousin. He's lucky to have her in his life. No doubt about it. Part of me wants to see her again, half of it thinks it's wrong to intrude.
My life didn't go as it plan when I saved her from Ian — because I knew I like her a lot. We all do.
But sometimes Adrian becomes too much bragging on how he finally claimed Katrina. I got jealous.
Morning rises, Adrian and I changed into clothes headed towards the town for us to book a flight going away in France. I grab two tickets placing in my purse. After we've done that, we head out to lunch too busy giggling of Adrian's lamest jokes. I turn around across the road — a hooded man with familiar face stared at me. His hands were place in pockets smiling deviously.
My eyes widen of horror - Ian.

No, it can't be.
But how?
A voice calls me as I blink he was gone. Adrian asks if I'm okay, giving him a simple nod.
"Oh uh, y-yeah I'm fine babe." I told him.

Oh god why does it have to be today? Whyyyyy?
I've lost my appetite when it comes to ruined moment between me and Adrian it sucks.
But suddenly I got this an idea, of moving out to a new home. I'm sure Adrian likes it — if he agree to it.

Back home, Adrian had a phone call from work apparently there's going to be busy days for him to do. So he and I discuss about cancelling the honeymoon.
"Oh...as long as you work hard, I'll be fine." I grinned.
Adrian could tell I was a bit disappointed but I couldn't because work is important to him.
"Hey, maybe I could call Rafe to stay in with you?" Adrian suggested. "He could be your company for a week, I know it sucks but — business trips gets me all worked up."

He wants Rafe to come in here to do what exactly? I wasn't sure if this is a good idea.
"Baby I don't know, I mean —," I bit my lips.
Adrian lifts my chin and had this reassuring look on his face.
"Daddy is not going to be away a lot trust me, it's just a week."
Adrian - POV
That concern on her face makes me worried too, if my cousin is fooling around with my wife. I'll have him locked up, as well. I don't care but it's the only thing I can trust him with her. Besides Rafe saved her life.
"If anything happens call me right away, no time to hesitate okay?"
Tonight I've finished packing all my work stuff into the case, hugging my wife to say goodbye.

"He'll be here any minute, just don't do anything stupid." I told her firmly.
She nodded and we've kissed.
As I saw him leaving getting inside the cab taking off, I sigh deeply.
Closing the door behind me and starts to binge watching of Netflix shows. I nearly drift off to sleep until a doorbell rang.
I got up walking to the door, swung open — there — Rafe stood by.
"Sorry I was late. Traffic sucks around here, did my cousin left already?" Rafe inspects. I nodded.

Rafe took his helmet off, and jacket hung by the wall. Sitting down to relax while I am making some iced tea.
He made an entrance to the kitchen watching me.
"How's life? I mean —," Rafe's voice spoke.
I startled.
"It's good, we've cancelled our honeymoon because of Adrian's business trip. I'm sure he told you."

He must have.
Rafe leans in by the counter, facing on me. Folding his arms like he's upset over something ridiculous.
"You can't hide this forever, I know because you're still looking for fun —,"
I slap him.
He grab my arms. Trying to get me close to him.

"Stop! Let me go," I fought back. "Please don't be like Ian,"
Rafe frowns and hesitated, but then he ignores.
Rafe - POV
She'd mention of Ian's name in front of me. I clench my jaw, still holding her against mine. I didn't want her to reject me since the moment Katrina gotten married or fell in love with him.
It's my turn, to do this. To have fun with her in harmless way. I'm not like Ian, that bastard deserved to be in prison for life just to keep away from her.
"Please let me touch you once more," I beg her. "I miss you."
Katrina stops.

My eyes deepening gazing into hers.
"Let me fuck you again then I'll disappear forever." I added. "I promise,"
But I lied, even if I fuck her after. I would never forget this moment.
She fought hard just to get away from me.

"I don't wanna lose you, Katrina." I confesses. "God I really don't,"
I stared into his droopy eyes, and turns away — with no words coming out of my mouth. I felt speechless.
My body melts the moment Rafe, licks my neck. Passionate he does I couldn't hold it any longer. He's right, I do miss the fun. Embracing me to his arms longing of warmth and comfort.
"That's my girl," he whispers.

Rafe is the kind of guy who just wants full on attention, that no one else has. To let him touch you. Letting him know he can have you for a short while until trouble comes in.
I finally gave up myself to him. Rafe took a seat and watch me caressing my soft skin. Slowly I straddle to his lap, lifting up my gown up to my thighs and unzip his pants.
"You want my cock inside your pussy don't you?" Rafe smirked.
I slightly nodded.

He rubs his cock, and slowly place inside me. Crying out his name softly of pleasure.
Gazing into each other with lust — longing missing our touch, Rafe unhook my bra eager to suck them like a lollipop.
"Mmmm god baby you tastes so fucking good." Rafe playfully licking them. "I crave for it."
During that time we've kissed, I move my hips - to encourage our bodies together closer.
"Fuck — I'm getting off by you...don't stop," he groans.
Without a warning Rafe came inside me.
I gasped, giggling. Biting my lips. Tasting his cum. Teasing Rafe with a wink.

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