// Thirty - One //

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Five weeks later —
The baby grew bigger and it got heavy - I decided to go shopping for the baby accessories. It's fun to move around but not everyday I get to go anywhere I want.
Rafe is at work too occupied with customers and Adrian well — he's doing good.

They finally forgiving each other and speaking good terms.
I bought some stuff then head home to relax. Alone and in peace with no disturbance around me. For a few minutes I heard a door knocking as I answer.

Ian force himself inside the house holding a damp chloroform covering my mouth. I struggled and fought hard to escape but it was no use. He held me and I passed out.
Ian - POV
It took me too long to find her. When I realised she's pregnant to either Adrian or what's-his-name cousin. Ah, yes Rafe. I got angry. My thoughts made me to capture her but part of me don't.
I tied her wrists and legs in the chair for her to get comfy. I just don't want to hurt that — ugh — baby.

She woke up, with fear in her face.
"Ah I'm glad you're awake..." I smirks. Pulling a chair sitting in front of her. "I've missed you."
She spat on my face of anger.
"Let me go!" She glares.
If I did, she would have escaped from me but — I just ignored.
My knees were shaking as I stare right in his eyes. He is not the Ian I know.
He trapped me inside with him in this room.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked fearfully. "Is it because of all those months I've rejected you?"
Ian slapped my cheek hard and whimpered.

"Shut up! Didn't I say you can talk?" Ian growled.
Suddenly the phone rang and I try to move around. Ian chuckles answering the phone.
"Hey babe just letting you know I'm comi —," Rafe got cut in by Ian.
He gasped.
Ian have began taunting my husband in such crucial ways I can't imagine. All I want is Rafe to come home. I cried out.

Rafe snapped over by the phone — and worried at the same time.
"If you hurt her, I swear I'll call the police!"
Ian knew if he did that - he would hurt the baby.
Instead he just let it be without causing trouble. I, on the other hand still glaring right at his stupid face. Struggling to move but he pointed me with a knife.
Circling around me then stops leaning in almost kissing my lips. The knife traces to my neck softly — I felt scared. Shaken even.

Ian place his hand around my neck, licking my cheek. Marking me his and I turn away not looking at him. He laugh about it.
"You're still sexy to me even if you're pregnant — maybe..." Ian glimpse over my tummy and tracing the knife around it gently not leaving a mark. I whimper.
"D-don't hurt my baby..." I pleaded with fear.

Fifteen minutes later —
Ian took hostage of me in my own house while Rafe isn't around yet. He teased, and taunted how I should end up with him being together. I rejected him. He untied me and carried all the way to the bedroom.
Shoving me down as I crawl back against the bed wall. Ian ripped his shirt and to my surprise, he's been working out. Fuck look at that muscular chest.

No way in hell he's going to fuck me while I'm pregnant. No.
Ian yanked my hair as I see his erection through pants. I yelp.
"S-stop it!" I fought back.
He slap me again. Until Ian pinned me down with his strong arms. Gazing into my eyes of lust.
"YOU'RE MINE. MY LOVE." Ian exclaimed.
I squirm around.

Suddenly Ian was been dragged away from me and Rafe appears in anger. He punched, kicked and assaulting him in possible ways he could feel pain.
"You...need...to...stay....away...from my wife!" Rafe took a hit on him hard.
Blood on Rafe's knuckles as the police came to arrest Ian once again.
Rafe - POV
I don't know how much I can take just to see someone hurting my wife. My loveable wife. When she smile of relief then few seconds — her water broke.
"Oh god! My..." She gritted her teeth and held her bump.
I had to rush her to the hospital and calling Adrian about the baby being delivered.

Thank god the police were kind enough to give us a rush lift at the emergency. Adrian got noted from me heading on the way. I waited.
Delivery room — 9:44PM.
Baby cries, the moment it came out of me. He's gorgeous and tiny. Adrian felt emotional seeing his son is born. Rafe went inside looking at me, all tired. Exhausted from pushing a couple of times.
"What should we name him?" I ask, my voice went hoarse, glancing both Rafe and Adrian.
They look into each other with a smile.

"We agree to name him Alexander Saint Ryder," Rafe grins.
Adrian nodded, to my surprise I actually love it. I turn to see my husband adores the newborn baby.
"Alexander was named after our uncle," Adrian explain to me. "He passed away couple of years ago."
I frown deeply never realising their relative were deceased.
"Well — I'm glad you both honoured him by giving our son the name," I smile.

Rafe sat down next to me stroking my hair and Adrian still can't stop looking over the newborn. It seems like this was the new beginning for all of us.
Ian has taken away in prison.
Rafe promotes and got renovated the shop.
Adrian moves in with us to look after our son.
And for me — well, the same thing as always. A mother, friend, wife and myself who can do great things.

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