The warlock rolled his eyes. "I think you've only mentioned it about forty now forty-one times." He replied giving her his best attempt at a patient smile.

The young Shadowhunter sighed about and nodded leaning forward in her seat. "Look I'm sorry. I'm just—" Before Khloe could finish Magnus was cutting her off with a delicate wave of his hand.

"You don't need to explain yourself. It's hard and i get that this isn't easy for you to be here and I admire your strength. Now go do yourself a favor and see your mother." Magnus said before offering her a small genuine smile. She nodded softly and sighed as she looked around sending a silent prayer to the angel that she wouldn't run into Alec before lifting herself from the seat and smiling softly at Magnus.

He gave her a small nod before allowing her to leave. With a deep shaky breath, she made her way through the institute while making sure to peer around each corner in case someone undesirable was on the other side.

Once she'd successfully managed to sneak her way through the institute she stopped in front of her mothers still floating body. She eyed her for a few moments before stepping closer to her.

"Hey, mom. You look just the same as the day you sent us away." She said sounding a lot sourer than she'd intended to be. "I just don't understand why you hid all of this from us." She added with a deep defeated sigh. "Why you took her away from me."

The silence was expected and yet it was still suffocating. Deafening actually. With a final deep exhale Khloe took a step back. "Nice seeing you, I guess." She mumbled softly as she took a few steps back letting her eyes linger on her mother people spinning on her heels and making her way back to where she'd left Magnus. She just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

She made her way back and took her seat beside Magnus who gave her a small smile. Clary and Jace had no joined them and we're having the most awkward conversation Khloe had ever seen. It was weird to think that the two had a brother and it was even weirder to think that it was Jace.

But at the same time, things didn't exactly add up, especially after their trip to the alternate dimension.

Needless to say, Khloe was more than thankful when Magnus stepped in. "While this conversation is no doubt scintillating, remind me again why we couldn't do this at my place? I'm certainly sure some people are avoiding others." Magnus said turning to look at Khloe for a moment before turning back to the other two.

Khloe looked down at her hands and cleared her throat awkwardly. "Here I thought I was doing a good job at hiding it." She mumbled under her breath.

Magnus hummed and shook his head placing a hand on her shoulder. "Strawberry, you're doing a good job at hiding. Not hiding it." He replied causing said girl to huff.

"At least there we'd have cocktails," Magnus said turning back to Clary and Jace to continue their conversation.

"It's nine in the morning?" Clary replied with a frown which only prompted the warlock to shrug and reply with, "Oh, it's happy hour somewhere, my dear."

"We invited you here because Hodge can't leave the institute. He's an important part of this mission." Jace explained drumming his fingers on the table.

Both Khloe and Magnus looked around the room expectantly. "Well then where is our tardy little tutor?" Magnus asked. "Let's just make this as quick as we can."

"Pardon the delay, Magnus. Welcome back Khloe." Hodge called as he approached the group. Khloe chewed the inside of his cheek and looked down nodding towards Hodge in acknowledgment. "I was following up on a lead."

Khloe {Alec Lightwood}Where stories live. Discover now