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Clouds POV

One week, one week since I last went to visit him. My friends are worried for me, I've been taking antidepressants and sleeping pills to help. I just can't his face out my head.

"Babe, wake up. It's Friday." Tori's sweet voice woke me up as she gently shook me

I shoved her away and cuddled into my blankets even deeper. I wanted him and only him to come through my door and just laugh at how I fell for his prank. But I knew it was never gonna happen because I saw him get hurt right in front of my eyes.

My heart ached and it hurt even more once Brittney told me they had got nothing out of Edward about the beating.

"Clouds, come on. Get up, you've missed to many days and if you don't get yourself together then-" I cut Becca off

"Then what, Becca..I have nothing to lose, no family, no bestfriend, no loving boy friend to tell me everything will be okay.." I sniffed rubbing my nose with my sweater paw

I'm pretty sure I looked like shit, but didn't care. I was depressed and being clean was the least of my problems.

"I'm sick and tired of you acting this way Clouds! You need to be the positive side to this! Chandler would want this!" She yelled at me

"There is no positive side to this Becca! I'm the reason for all this! You have no idea what I'm going through! " I shouted back

"Then live up to it. And I do have an idea, you're not the only one who has problems." She glared at me I lowered my head.

Tori gave me a weak smile before being pulled out my room by Becca.

"Why do I fuck everything up! I can't take this anymore!" Enough was enough.

I got up and put my uniform on, put my hair in a bun, and grabbed some black shades and put it on my face.

Stopping at the mirror I took my glassed off and saw I had red eyes, bags under my eyes, and my nose was red. Quickly grabbing my conceler I put it on my face and grabbed my backpack and walked to my first period.

As I passed a group of boys, I could feel a pair of eyes on me. I stopped and stared at him back. He noticed me and quickly put his head down.


Sitting down on my regular seat I looked to where chandler used to sit and I gulped. Trying to get rid of the lump in my throat.

Kids flooded the room and once everyone was seated, I once again felt a pair of eyes on me. I caught the same boy staring at me, he sat diangole to me. I got annoyed and placed my shades on top of my head. He went wide eyed and quickly looked away.

What the hell is his problem?!

Class ended and I did absolutely nothing. I didn't care though. I wasn't in the mood.

I grabbed my things and walked out to my second period. I started to feel like I was being followed and when I looked back no one was there. I shook it off and right as I made my way to the building I still felt as I was being followed.

I looked behind me and caught that SAME random kid.

"Can I help you?!" I asked growled.

He stood back and sighed .

"I- I need to talk to you. Privatly" he whispered. Rolling my eyes I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear I agreed.

He lead me to the ampatheather (don't know if you guys have that in your school, I do) and he sighed sticking his hands in his pockets

"I- well- ya see-"

"Spit it out!" I said harshly placing my hand on my hip.

"Iwastherewhenyourboyfriendwasbeingbeatup!!" He said quickly.

"What? Slow down."

He sighed taking his back pack and placing it on the ground and taking a familiar black beanie and sweater out. It had red stains on it. Like splatters of-

"Oh. my. God."

Sam's POV

I got in my car and drove to the hospital. I sighed starting the car up. The constant fear of the accident haunts me. It never goes away and sometimes I feel like Lillian is still here.

"You need to calm down, Sam." I spoke to my self.

Just, drive.

Becca's POV

I sighed softly kicking the soccer ball that was placed in front of me.

"Becc, what's wrong?" One of my guy friends asks crossing his arms.

It was PE and Tori sat in the bleachers writing in her diary and I was on the field doing absolutely nothing.

"Nothing, just. . .a lot of things are happening with my other friends and, well it's pretty hectic." I tried smiling

"Ah, I see. But you know, every arrow needs to pulled back a little before it can fly." He smiled, I rolled my eyes but laughing a bit.

"There ya go, there's the Becc I know" he chuckled


"Just remember, everything that happens, always has a reason to happen. Sometimes it's just to teach the person a moral. Or even sometimes to scare them so they don't do the stupid thing twice. It's just how the universe works." He hugged me and ruffled my hair.

"Jerk," I mumble

"Ass," he spoke back. I laughed.

Maybe he's right. Maybe this is Clouds moral.

Clouds 2: My life's EndingWhere stories live. Discover now