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Clouds POV

I finally made it back to school, tired of crying, tired of the lies, and tired of my self..I had to make things right. Starting with Chandler.

By the time I had made it back school was over. Kids where Every where and I had spotted Chandler walking back to his dorm.

I started running after him but I bumped into someone, the person caught me and I saw it was Edward.

I shoved him off and just wanted to scream my head off at him. He stood there confused at my sudden move.

"Hey?" He questioned trying to grab my hand. I slapped it back and just glared at him

"Ow what's wrong?" That's it.

"Oh I don't know..maybe that you lied to me about my father and that you went behind my back! You both made me brake the one person I cared about! Now chandler will never forgive me because of you!" I pushed Edward by his chest catching him off guard

"Wow calm down I told you-"

"Don't even, I got it out of my- I got it out of Steven. So don't you ever come near me again you prick!"

I had no idea what came over me so I just punched Edward straight in the jaw. He fell on the ground grabbing onto his jaw...

"God that felt good.." I walked away feeling proud of my self.

Edwards POV

Holy shit! She can punch!

"Edward!" I heard a girl scream and I looked up noticing red hair, Jennifer..

"She found out, now she's going after him." Jennifer helped me up and just crossed her arms

"Just she sees..who does she think she is?! I'm going beat her up! And make sure she's crying in pain! No one punches my boyfriend." I rolled my eyes at her

"Don't, I got it covered.." I grabbed her small wrist and pulled her back

I dug out my phone from my back pocket and dialed a good friend of mine

What up?

I need you to hurt some one..

Name? You owe me one

Chandler Carlton Riggs, and sure whatever

3rd person POV

Clouds made her way towards Chandler's room, she knew he was pissed at her, and that he never wanted to see her again but she had to explain her self.

She wanted to knock to badly but every time she lifted her hand she stopped her self.

"come on clouds.." she whispered to her self. Raising her hand once again, she knocked but no answer came. She turned the door knob and slowly opened the door,no one was in there.

Clouds looked around the room and she felt as if she hasn't been there for years, she saw Chandler's bed and remembered the night she felt asleep with Chandler's arms wrapped around her. the night she found out her best friend died..he was there to comfort her. to tell her every thing was going to be okay.

The night, she told him she loved her.

She sighed loudly and walked towards the bathroom.. hoping to find some clue on where the hell Chandler went..

right when she entered she heard the dorm rooms door open and shut, she hid behind the bathroom door and saw Chandler lay down his backpack and grabbed his guitar off the wall.

he plays? clouds thought.. he never told her anything about learning an instrument..

Chandler reached under his bed and grabbed what looked like a journal and opened it to a song he was currently writing

Chandler has been writing songs for who knows how long, he never thought much of it. If he couldn't use the right words to say he might as well write them down and sing it. No one knew this about him, they only knew he played and that's it. But there was way more behind that.

Clouds opened the bathroom door slightly and just stared at him.

He slowly started strumming and began singing (stomach tied in knots- SWS)

Oh, my stomach’s tied in knots

I’m afraid of what I’ll find if you wanna
talk tonight

Ooh ooh

See the problem isn’t you, it’s me, I know
I can tell, I’ve seen it time after time

And I’ll push you away (mmm)

I get so afraid, oh, no

He was smiling to him self, knowing the song was coming together, he continued strumming and singing..

I only have myself to blame

But do you think we can start again?

'Cause I can't live without you

Oh, my stomach’s tied in knots

I’m afraid of what I’ll find if I see you

Chandler stopped playing and stopped smiling..Clouds thought it was beautiful, it seemed as if I was about them.

And that's what Chandler was going for, telling their own story..but every time he remembered what it was really about he just wanted give up and never go back to the song.

knock knock *

"what the? Sam, you don't need to knock just come in!" Chandler yelled hiding the notebook and putting the guitar back on the wall

When no one entered Chandler went to open the door

Biggest Mistake Ever


hai guys lol so I know that the song that chandler was singing already exists but I really liked the song and I love SWS and the song to me really reminds me of clouds and Chandler's relationship so I was like why the hell not? CX I hope you enjoyed it


Clouds 2: My life's EndingWhere stories live. Discover now