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hey sorry guys I didn't update but my phone actually deleted my chapter and I got so pissed so sorry if these chapters become small.. I really want the story to get intense *

The Next Day-

Chandler's POV

4 days..I haven't seen her face or any one else's in 4 days..

I get back to my dorm late and get out early..Sam doesn't even notice I'm even out of the time.. the only person I've seen is Jenn's

We currently stood in our regular spot behinds some buildings. we only just talked and smoked and talked some more.. it really helped my mind off of things

"so that's it?" here we go again.. she's been asking me this same question almost every day and I always gave her the same answer

"yeah..I thought we went over this. For the past 4 days and a half" I rolled my eyes at Jenn, I was tired of her and why she just kept reminding me of that horrible night

"alright, alright, don't kill me.. I'm just making sure I understand what happened" Jenn sat on a bench facing me with her legs up on it and her fiery fed hair still shinning bright

"what's there to understand?"

She shrugged and ran her small hand through her hair, she brought the small white stick to her lips and let small patches of smoke come out..little by little

To be honest I was really tired of my life..all I did was just smoke, drink, lie, and hurt people..but no matter as much as I wanted to change I couldn't.

"let's play a game.." she said suddenly, I dropped my own stick on the ground and stepped on it, I reached for my back pocket and grabbed a brand new pack and pulled out another cigarette

I brought it to my lips and pulled out my brand new american-printed lighter, Jenn found the new thing in her backpack and gave it to me. lighting it, I focused back on her and smirked

"what kind of game?" I closed the lighter and threw it inside my open back pack on the ground

"I call it, Smoke-A-Ring " she said smiling, what the fuck was smoke-a-ring? of course she made this shit up, her minds a mess

"really? wow..nice choice, licorice" I laughed at her stupid nickname

"fuck you, the idea is to make a ring with your smoke, then make another to pass it through the first one. Get it?"

I utterly confused, but I still said yes "first one to three wins, and the loser has to..." I raised an eyebrow at her as she made a thinking face

"a can of beer..fair?" I nodded in response, seems fair enough..I had my ways to get things any way...

hey guys its me! and I have some news..
as some of you know, I'm a big fan of o2l a YouTube group, and lately one of them has left and I was really sad because he was really such a good person and he was saying that he felt as if YouTube was a job not something he wanted to do, so i have been doing some thinking and with where I'm going with this is that..

After I finish Clouds 2... I'll be leaving wattpad

I just feel so bad that I'm not into it as I was before and I just.. idk guys I think its for the best and if I do get back into the hobby I will come back but yeah..don't worry Ill still be here I'll still be reading and commenting on other stuff but I wont be writing any more.. maybe later I'll create a new account and start fresh

so again thanks guys for the ones that have been here since I first started DLMTD I love you guys soooo much I wouldn't have these many reads with out you all

so just to be clear I won't be writing any more after finishing Clouds 2

I hope you all respect my wishes and all..

thanks :')


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