#3- Spoiling Soulmate

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"Ever since I could read, the words on my wrist have haunted me

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"Ever since I could read, the words on my wrist have haunted me. 'So...Peitro Maximoff is...dead? Just like that?!'

I mean, wouldn't you wonder why the first words you hear from your soulmate are about the death of some Russian sounding dude? Instead of a cute, flirty one-liner, or even something generic, what I get is,'So...Peitro Maximoff is...dead?' !

I was always thinking about it. Will I meet my soulmate in a funeral? Or will I run into him when he's receiving the news of a loved one's death? Will he...even notice me?

I'd always be thinking about that. Worrying about who 'Peitro Maximoff' is. And how his death will be the first thing I'd hear from my soulmate.

I was sixteen when Marvel fandom came into existence. By 2008, only the first two movies of the MCU had been released, so I quickly turned to the comics to feed my inner fangirl.

That was when I stumbled across the character of Quicksilver. Even though he wasn't one of the main characters, I loved Marvel's sassy speedster. The problem? His name's also Peitro Maximoff, and now I knew he was going to die sometime.

Since my comic book (and Quicksilver) obsession was shared by only one of my friends, I knew that the writing on my wrist wasn't about them. The only conclusion left to draw was that he was going to appear in the movies sometime, and that he was going to die.

Can you imagine that? You know that one of your favourite characters is going to appear in a movie, and thanks to your dumbass soulmate, you also know that he'll die. Imagine knowing that before you even know the name of the freaking movie.

I was twenty-three when Avengers: Age of Ultron was released. Any Marvel movie would involve a lot of hype from fans, and needless to say, I  soon found out that the movie would be featuring Peitro. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

As was my routine for every newly-released Marvel movie, I went to the theatre with my best friend to watch the movie, even though the mother of all spoilers had already spoiled the movie for me. For the next 141 minutes, there was nothing I could enjoy. I couldn't enjoy the thrilling action, the brilliant dialogues, the awesome graphics, or the amazing screenplay. Hell, I couldn't even enjoy the appearance of one of my favourite comic book characters in a movie. Why? Because a certain idiot, who happened to be my soulmate, had spoiled everything for me.

When the movie finished, and the end-credits scene was over (a true Marvel fan never leaves before the end- credits scene), I somehow managed to get up and walk towards the door miserably. I hadn't even made it out of the hall when I hear him.

'So...Peitro Maximoff is...dead? Just like that?!'

I turned towards the source of the voice, my eyes blazing, to see a group of three boys, almost the same age as me. I immediately identified the speaker, and pointed a shaking finger at him.

"You!" I bark angrily. "So you're the one! You're the asshole who spoiled the entire movie for me! There! Are you happy now?!"

The boy, a handsome one with tousled brown hair and sparkling green eyes, looked at my face, and then at his own wrist, before turning it to me. "You know, that wasn't the way I thought it would be said..."

As expected, the first five words of my angry rant were tattooed on his arm. I continued to shout at him while he stood there, looking sheepishly guilty.

Nevertheless, that didn't stop us from getting married two years later, and we have watched every Marvel movie together since then.

But I can never, ever forgive him for the spoiler he gave out."


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