Daphne's in Danger

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"What am I supposed to say?"

"Aaarrrgh you're irritating"

"There you said it. I love you too..."

Debbie kissed her again. This time harder and demanding. She started trailing down her jaws and neck with open mouth kisses.

"What do we do now?", Lou asked, her voice low and breathing heavy.

"This is why I told you should've active sex life. Now you don't know what to do? I'm supposed to teach you..."

Lou immediately rolled, now Debbie's under her.

"You know lions... The alpha... They don't hunt... They're lazy... But when they do hunt, they'll make sure it's the best", she whispered. "Also.. they love their woman a lot"

"You mean to say you're alpha lion?"


"But they have a very active sex life...  so there's the contradiction... However the hair does look like lion's mane... But too light and I heard darker the mane, more powerful the lion... So probably I am more alpha than you"

"We can ignore that fact... You're my lioness.. the sharp, protective and always energetic"

"Actually you are sharp, protective,..."

"Shhhh.... No lion talks"

"You brought it up", Debbie said smirking.

"If you don't shut up then..."


Lou was about to kiss her, they heard a slap and sudden yelling from downstairs.

"What was that?"

"Something's wrong. Let's see... We'll resume this later"

They both got up and walked out of the room. They saw Daphne and Constance about to hit each other, others trying to separate them. Helly(Hela) alone holding Constance back while rest are holding Daphne.

"What's going on here?"

All except Hela and Tammy started speaking at once.

"Shhh... Any one please"

"Mom, that bitch slapped me"

"You're a bitch. You fucking..."

"Enough. No more fighting. Why did you slap her Daph", Lou asked sternly.

"She... She edited my pic on some nasty doodle"

"It wasn't nasty. It was a curvy woman. And it wasn't naked or anything"

"Wait did you upload that on your channel?"

"No mom. I didn't put it. I didn't send it to others. In fact I haven't saved the edit. I just showed her the preview"

"Gimme your phone"


Lou snatched her phone and clicked undo all.

"There. Everything's gone. No more fights. Daph, you need to think before you do anything. Slapping your friend won't help you get rid of your loneliness. And you Constance... It's not right to edit anyone's pic in absurd way... If you want to edit, then ask permission beforehand"

"But it was for fun... She was down since morning... I wanted her to cheer up.... So I...", tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Awww... Come here" Debbie extended her hand, Constance went to her.

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