Part 3: Movies (Girls)

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First Name: Favorite Disney Princess Movie

Aladdin: Selene

Sleeping Beauty: Alexandria

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves: Brielle

Frozen: Miara

Moana: Sadie

Beauty and the Beast: Naomi

Brave: Cora

The Princess and the Frog: Alica

Tangled: Vivian

The Little Mermaid: Aria

Cinderella: Delilah

I don't do Disney: Eliza

Other: Bella

Last Name: Movie Genre

Action: Razzer

Comedy: Nienna

Romance: Beleza

Drama: Kess

Superhero: McGreener

Horror: Mayrin

Science Fiction: Vernet

Documentaries: Lilker

The books are always better than the movies, duh: Roeder

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