“And, what if I enjoy your company?” Itachi replied, thanking the whisky for his bout of courage. He turned his head, he coming nose to nose with Reina. She smiled, biting her lower lip.

“Then we should continue to get up close and personal.” Reina quirked a brow and rubbed her nose against his, very much a cat tantalising its mate. They were so close. Their lips a breath's width apart. Reina could feel her pulse boom in her head and chest. She had forgotten just how handsome Itachi Uchiha was.

“Urgh, someone put these two in the closet.” Anko muttered, rolling over to clean out her glass.

For the rest of the night the party continued, people's laughter got louder and smiles somehow became wider. Including Itachi's. Whether it was a mixture of alcohol (which he was learning he was not very tolerant to) or the company, Itachi's cheeks ached from smiling and his stomach felt like he had undergone a training session.

Itachi couldn't believe the thought and detail Reina had put into the night. She had managed to cater all his favourite food, even a tray of dango from his favourite café. Reina had managed to cram a lifetime of parties into one evening; from card games that made people swear, to drinking games that almost made Iruka pass out.

She made sure that he got to experience everything that was taken away from him. Every childish rite of passage, every milestone, she made sure he got to experience them all. And he was so grateful. For the first time, he was grateful for his second chance, for the fact he got to wake up every day. He was grateful for her.

“I think,” Anko slurred. “that we should give our not so young Itachi-kun a proper birthday bash.”

“And how do you suppose that Anko-chan?” Iruka replied from his place on an armchair, his tanned cheeks flushed.

“7 minutes in heaven. Obviously.” Anko hiccuped, a serpentine grin creeping onto her lips. “It's a rite of passage.”

“What's…?” Itachi questioned, immediately dubious.

“Oh, you'll find out.” Anko replied. “Reina-chan! Pen and paper!” She called, waving her free hand like a demanding daimyo. Reina reluctantly opened a drawer and handed Anko the items. She immediately began scribbling names on torn fragments before tossing them in a bowl, random crisps mixed in with the names.

“What's going on?” Itachi asked, Reina sat with her legs across his lap, toying with the end of his ponytail.

“It's um,” She began, a chuckle dancing on her lips. “you know that closet she mentioned earlier?”


“Well you'll be thrown in at random.”

“And then what? We have to fight our way out?” Reina burst out laughing, leaning her head on the chair.

“Something like that.”

“Alright then, let's get the real party started.” Anko jumped up, giving the bowl a jiggle before walking around the room and allowing people to pick a name. “Ok I'll go first, I got…” She balanced the bowl under her arm as she unfolded the paper. “Reina-chan! Haha shall we?”

“Swap monkey!” Reina called, suddenly alert and looking around the room. Ibiki scowled whilst Itachi mouthed the phrase back to himself.

“Kami damn it, Reina.” Ibiki muttered. The building-sized shinobi stood after chugging his beer. “I knew this would come back to bite me in the ass one day.” Reina leaned back and chuckled at her victory. Anko smirked and held open the door as Ibiki disappeared into the gloom of the cupboard.

Serve and Protect : Itachi Uchiha Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat